Vind 'n Skaakklub

Occitanie Échecs
  Équipe dédiée à tous les membres qui habitent ou aiment l'Occitanie. Bienvenue à tous. 
Deutsche Schachfreunde
Herzlich Willkommen bei den deutschen Schachfreunden. Jeder Schachfreund ist herzlich eingeladen beizutreten. Die Hauptsprache der Gruppe ist deuts...
Daily Puzzle Discussion Sans Trolls
Dedicated to the discussion of the Daily Puzzle without trolls like EZ Army "This puzzle is stupid" [read "I didn't understand it"] "I'm right an...
Sky girls
The Club is only for girls. It's private. (internal tournaments only) Thank you. Glory to God!
Catholic Chess Club
This is the chess club for people who love the game of chess and either are Catholic or simply wish to play chess in a club that respects and promo...
1 189
MFM chess club
The official representative of chess players in MFM.The club welcomes all chess fans from menoufia faculty of medicine,let's join us and enjoy.
Chess is brutal
Guys this club is created for fun..pls join and  enjoy
Are you a big Calvin and Hobbes fan, and you've always wanted to join the G.R.O.S.S. club, but couldn't? Well, now you can! Even if you just like...
I want this club to have 1k+ members because I am a normal human. so please join. ty. '-' Advertisement: Are you looking for a club where you c...
Exercitatio Artem Parat
Hi there. I would like to invite you to join our chess club Exercitatio Artem Parat. We are a constantly growing club and are part of dif...
Team Saudi Arabia
This is Saudi Arabia Team
5 840
Team Belgium
This is the group representing Belgium in the World and European Leagues which gives our members the opportunity to challenge themselves ...
7 526
Award Collectors
If you are trying to collect awards, you have come to the right place!  Here, we will help each other as a community to mine for achievements....
Wallyjack's Highly Respected Tourney Supporters Register
Hi My Mighty Friends, I would like to welcome you all to join this club. This club is meant to promote Chess to all despite your origins or backgr...
1 013
KNSB Nederland
Club voor toernooien van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond Alleen spelers waarvan wij de echte naam kennen, kunnen meesterpunten verdienen. D...
3 531
Bill Nye the Chess guy
If you like to play chess and have some humor, this this the place for you.
Eager Beavers.
Eager chess enthusiasts, strutting their stuff,in fabulous contests, against the best the world has to offer.  
Chessman_ua Club
Шаховий клуб проводить регулярні не рейтингові турніри. Під час кожного турніру ведеться стрім на каналі Приє...
Mükemmel bir kulüp olacak...
Romkachess's Fun club
Welcome to the Romka’s Club!  Join our community here on to take part of on-stream events and more streamed on
South Dakota Chess
The South Dakota Chess group is for residents of The Rushmore State who love to learn & play chess. We love to play as a team or as individuals...
Team Japan
このグループは日本に住んでいる人、または日本と強い関係のある人のためのチームです。日本の代表として、他のチームと対戦し、一緒にチェスを楽しみましょう。This is a group for people living in or having a strong connection to Ja...
3 873
Steinitz Mongolian Chess Academy
2024-2025 оны Хичээлийн жил тэмцээн арвин зохиож, хүүхдүүдийн ур чадвар, туршлагыг хурдан богино хугацаанд нөхөх төлөвлөгөөтэй байгааг дуулгахад та...