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Update: Maddie from Chesskid here! happy.png

Romanian National Master Lejean-Anușca Mădălina-Maria started to teach chess to kids in 2010. Until that moment she was a competitive chess player, best results were 1st place with the team at European Rapid Chess Championship and 2nd place at European Blitz (u18).

In order to improve her chess teaching skills, she chose to study pedagogy. During her five years of study, she wrote about „Teaching Chess in Preschool" and „Teaching Chess Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences". Even after graduation, she continued to look for the best ways to teach chess, creating games, materials, stories, and children's songs related to chess. Right now she is leading the Romanian Chess Federation's project „Education through chess", proposing to use chess in schools as a tool that facilitates learning and harmonious development of children.

For children who choose to study performance chess, her advice is to play chess with passion, but also to study constantly, because as Tim Notke says "Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard".

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