NM and father of three. Love playing chess and teaching high school! Check out my first Chessable course on the Philidor Defense!...
Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
Jugador profesional, entrenador y arbitro oficial. Como entrenador cuento con 18 años de experiencia, doy clases desde...
Являюсь мастером ФИДЕ. С 2014 года преподаю шахматы в спортивной школе. Уровень от начинающих до кмс. Люблю шахматы во всех их проявления!...
International chess master , Fide Rating 2452 Certified Trainer of the World Chess Federation (FT) Former Iran's U18 year-old champion,...
3000+ Master who will help to build your knowledge and also intuition with training games to play effective moves that are good...
I’m awesome so... Hey! Bullies! Look here! Remember that kid you mocked for having divorced parents? What if they were working...