Hi there! I love animals, especially cats and bunnies!
NEW 5MIN PUZZLE RUSH HIGH-SCORE! ---> Puzzle Rush - Compete to Solve Chess Puzzles - Chess.com
I beat a 2100 in puzzle battle---> Puzzle Battle - Compete with your Chess Friends - Chess.com
Lets goooooooo

1800 in puzzle battle---> DONE!
Also love doing puzzles. I have over 11000 wins in puzzle duel and have champion rank. I am also in the PRO PUZZLE SOLVERS TEAM, which only has the best puzzle solvers in the world!
Some random facts bout me:
-I am a cat person
-I love marine biology
-I love nature
-I want to become a CM
-I am very good at speed clicking tests:
My friends on chess.com:
50 in survival
45 in 3min puzzle rush
1900 in puzzle battle
11000 wins in puzzle duel---> Done!
500 win streak in puzzle duel
To get 1st in both weekly puzzle duel leaderboards
And my biggest goal: to be a kind, loving person
I'm in the top 300 in Australia for puzzle rating!
My move of the month:
Why are you still reading?
You got rickrolled!!!!!!
Be more careful next time...
My new post on me getiing 3200 in puzzles... Click here ---> my blog on my getting 3200