
Absolutely Must Know Endgames

Absolutely Must Know Endgames

Now with even more essential endgames!

The 12th Women's World Champion, GM Alexandra Kosteniuk is here to teach the essential endgames.

  • Learn tricky endgame checkmates.
  • Find out what you need to know about queen against rook endings.
  • Learn to defend and press in rook and minor piece against rook positions.
  • Check out the infamous two knights against pawn ending.

Knight And Bishop Mate: Must Know Endgames

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk begins her course on absolutely must know endgames with the trickiest of the basic checkmates, knight and bishop against a lone king.
13 分
5 課題

Winning With Two Knights: Must Know Endgames

Two knights can't force checkmate on their own, but if the opponent has a pawn it's sometimes doable. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk breaks down one of the trickiest endings in chess.
14 分
5 課題

Fortresses: Must Know Endgames

How can you survive when you're down material in the endgame? Look for a fortress. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk brings you the details.
13 分
5 課題

Rook vs Knight: Must Know Endgames

How can a knight defend against a rook and how should you try to win with the rook? GM Alexandra Kosteniuk shows everything you need to know!
20 分
5 課題

Rook vs Bishop: Must Know Endgames

A bishop should be able to draw against a lone rook, but you must know what you're doing. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk breaks it all down.
16 分
5 課題

Rook And Bishop vs Rook: Must Know Endgames

Rook and bishop against rook is a theoretical draw, but it's very easy to go wrong. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk demonstrates the key ideas for both sides.
21 分
5 課題

Queen vs Pawn: Must Know Endgames

When a queen faces an opposing pawn on the seventh rank, the side with the queen can win if the pawn is from a center file or a knight file. GM Kosteniuk demonstrates the winning technique.
8 分
5 課題

Queen vs Pawn Stalemate Tricks: Must Know Endgames

When a bishop or rook pawn reaches the seventh rank it can usually draw against a queen if you know what you're doing. GM Kosteniuk brings you the details.
14 分
5 課題

Rook vs Pawn: Must Know Endgames

When one side has to sacrifice a rook in the endgame, you frequently end up in a rook vs pawn finish. GM Kosteniuk helps you figure out if the rook can win the game.
14 分
5 課題

Minor Pieces vs Pawns: Must Know Endgames

Usually, bishops can stop pawns and knights have a somewhat harder time. However, the details matter. GM Kosteniuk offers a crash course on pieces against pawns in the endgame.
13 分
5 課題

King And Pawn Endgames: Must Know Endgames

Whenever you exchange pieces you get closer to a king and pawn endgame. GM Kosteniuk brings you the most essential endgame in chess.
16 分
5 課題

Endgame Principles: Must Know Endgames

What should you focus on in any endgame? GM Alexandra Kosteniuk wraps up her extensive endgame series with some general guidelines.
12 分
5 課題

Absolutely Must Know Endgames

12 レッスン
174 分
60 チャレンジ
リリース日 5/10/2022