
Combinations of Alexander Alekhine

Combinations of Alexander Alekhine

Learn to attack with World Champion Alekhine!

Want to learn tactics from the games of an amazing attacker? Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine became the fourth World Chess Champion by defeating chess legend Jose Raul Capablanca in 1927. He is remembered for his fierce and imaginative attacking style. A strong master once wrote, "In playing through an Alekhine game one suddenly meets a move which simply takes one's breath away." Start attacking like Alekhine today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn from the tactics of a World Champion!
  • Practice calculating!
  • Find the combinations that defeated star players including Capablanca!

Alekhine-Munoz, Sabadell 1945

Alekhine was one of the greatest attacking players, and he also had the ability to see the potential for an attack where others saw nothing.
1 Challenge

Alekhine-Lasker, Zurich 1934

In August 1914, Alekhine was leading an international tournament in Mannheim, Germany when World War I broke out.
3 Challenges

Bogoljubow-Alekhine, Germany/Holland 1929

This is a game from the World Championship match between Alekhine and Bogoljubow. "Bogoljubow is aggressive and enterprising," wrote Alekhine before the match.
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Alekhine-Petrov, Warsaw Olympiad 1935

In June of 1919 during the Russian civil war, Alekhine was arrested by police -apparently due to someone informing on him of being a spy - and was sentenced to death.
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Alekhine-Reshevsky, Kemeri 1937

Mrs. Grace Alekhine was the women's champion of Paris in 1944. She is buried next to her husband in Paris.
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Capablanca-Alekhine, Buenos Aires 1927

This game is from the World Championship match in Buenos Aires in 1927.
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Alekhine-Colle, Paris 1925

"When I first met him, at Pasadena in 1932, I began to understand the secret of his genius." -Reuben Fine
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Alekhine-Freeman, USA (Blindfold Simul) 1924

Alekhine writes this about one of his early weaknesses, "My first tournament victory endowed me with a curious psychological weakness which I had to work long and hard to eradicate - if indeed I have ever eradicated it! - the impression that I could always, or nearly always, when in a bad position, conjure up some unexpected combination to extricate me from my difficulties. A dangerous delusion."
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Alexandrov-Alekhine, Correspondence 1909-10

Alekhine once told a border policeman: I am Alexander Alekhine, Chess Champion of the World! I have a cat named Chess. Papers? I don't need any papers.
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Alekhine-Hofmeister, Petrograd 1917

Alekhine was never a good loser.
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Alekhine-Euwe, The Hague 1921

This is a game with Euwe long before their World Championship matches. In 1933, Alekhine challenged Max Euwe to a championship match.
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Alekhine-Mindeno, Holland (Simul) 1933

Alekhine was clearly ahead of his time in his approach to chess. According to my theory, the game of chess consists of three components: material, time, and quality of position.
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Alekhine-Feldt,Tarnopol (Blindfold Simul) 1916

Alekhine writes "For a whole month I lay immobile, bedridden. For me at that time playing blindfold was a real godsend."
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Alekhine-Supico, Lisbon Blindfold exhibition 1941

At the end of the 1930's,there were negotiations with Alekhine to play world championship matches with both Botvinnik and Keres and Capablanca.
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Alekhine-Levenfish, St Petersburg 1912

After the fall of France in June 1940, Alekhine and his wife found themselves in German occupied territory.
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Alekhine-Fletcher, London (Simul) 1922

In March 1941 during the German occupation of France, anti-Semitic articles appeared under Alekhine's name in the Pariser Zeitung.
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Gruenfeld-Alekhine, Carlsbad 1923

After World War II, Alekhine could not play in any chess tournaments outside of Portugal and Spain because of his alleged Nazi affiliation.
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Opocensky-Alekhine, Paris 1925

Alekhine was playing in a tournament in Mannheim, Germany when the First World War broke out.
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Alekhine-Junge, Crakow 1942

On March 24, 1946, the chess world was stunned to learn the champion died in his hotel room in Estoril, Portugal.
4 Challenges

Combinations of Alexander Alekhine

19 Lessons
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66 Challenges
Released 2/15/2008