
Knights vs Bishops

Knights vs Bishops

Master the art of exchanges and make your minor pieces shine!

Do you ever wonder if you're making the right trades? Have you ever wondered how to best use your bishops and knights? Then this course is for you! Follow along with GM Dejan Bojkov as he demonstrates the advantages of knights and bishops. Learn how to use any imbalance in your favor and win the fight between minor pieces. Start getting the maximum out of your minor pieces today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • When are knights better than bishops?
  • When can bishops dominate knights?
  • What should you look for in the middlegame vs the endgame?

Bishop Wins The Endgame

When can a bishop destroy a knight in the endgame? Watch to learn this important lesson on the difference between the two minor pieces.
16 min
5 Challenges

Bishop Wins the Middlegame

In the eternal fight between bishop and knight, one piece usually emerges better in the middlegame. Learn how to make your bishop tame the knight in this lesson.
20 min
5 Challenges

Knight Wins the Endgame

Sometimes a knight completely dominates an opposing bishop in the endgame - learn how to get the upper-hand with the knight!
19 min
5 Challenges

Knight Wins the Middlegame

Did you know that knights can be better than bishops even in the middlegame? Find out how to use this unique piece to rule the chessboard.
18 min
5 Challenges

Tricky Battle Positions

Sometimes the fight between knights and bishops can be incredibly complex. Take this final lesson and make sure your minor piece ends up on top!
17 min
5 Challenges

Knights vs Bishops

5 Lessons
90 Minutes
25 Challenges
Released 3/21/2019