Atrodi šaha klubu

Daily Matches CHAMPIONS
Welcome to Daily Matches CHAMPIONS!We are a new club, whose goal is to be one of the best!As the name suggests, we specialize in Daily Matches...
Islam Chess Unity
أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله "I bear witness there is no deity other than Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." ...
4 649
Team Chess Lovers
The team chess lovere is a group for the people who love chess and who love to play and learn chess. "A True chess player is a combination ...
2 686
Khan World School Chess Club
Welcome to the Khan World School Chess Club! We meet Mondays @11:00 am az time. Hope to see you there!
A Chess Club for fun and learning.. Come and join! We have daily tours and prizes awaits you!! 😁
Magnus Carlsen VIP Lounge
COME AND JOIN US !! We Play Lots Of Daily Matches,Vote chess and We host premium Gifted tournaments fore our members #1 TopGifters club - 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻...
4 332
Future Masters Academy Chess Club
Challenge play for members of Future Masters Academy
Croatian Chess Temple
Ovo je tim za Hrvate iz cijeloga svijeta i njihove prijatelje! ** This is a team for Croatians from all over the world and for their friends! **
The Shadow Ninjas - TSN
Welcome to ~ The Shadow Ninjas!! Here we can do many things: 1. Talk  2. Play 3. Be active  4. Respect one another  5....
Waltham Chess Club
Meets Friday nights, 7 PM until midnight. Specializing in one-day events, from G/5 to G/60.  Contact info at the web site 404 Wyman StreetWaltham,...
The Ultimate Training Center
Welcome to The Ultimate Training Center! We are a great group for those who would like to improve their chess. We put a lot of effort into our Vote...
Professional Procrastinators
As the name suggests, this club is for great and legendary people who have mastered the evergreen art of procrastination. 
엔둥이 체스 크루 체스닷컴을 즐기는 엔둥이들을 위한 클랜입니다! 심심할 땐 체스 한 판 하시죠?  (리더 : 엔달인)
단편소설과 시 클럽
단편소설과 시를 직접 만들어 모두한테 공개하는 클럽입니다!
Pinoy Chess Philippines
PINOY CHESS PHILIPPINES is a group of Filipino Players who are natural born, acquired citizenship, a mixture of race living within the Philippines ...
10 884
CHT Junior Reporter Squad
This is a group for the Junior Reporters of CHT. In order to enter, you must first be a member of the Christian Homeschool Team. If you are alread...
Love the chess variant "crazyhouse"? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc.
4 159
CHT Dude Ranch
If you know what the CHT is, and you're a dude, welcome. If not, get away.  Are you still here? Then come on in! If you don't know, the Christian...
The Amazing Chess Masters
Hey What's up? Want to play chess and have a good time? Just come to this group! You can message your friends about us to feel free and just hang...
Maccabi Tel Aviv FC
שלום, יצרתי את המועדון הזה כדי שיוכל להשתתף בליגת הפוטבול העולמית בעוד שנה אחת, במציאות אני אפילו לא מכיר את זה אבל עשיתי את זה על מנת שהאנשים שתומ...