
Refute The Sacrifice

Refute The Sacrifice

How can you win after your opponent plays a dangerous sacrifice?

Practice your defensive chess by refuting dangerous, but flawed sacrifices. 

  • Find the right moment to give back material to keep a winning advantage.
  • Use brilliant counter-attacking ideas of your own.
  • Use every ounce of resourcefulness to fight like Magnus Carlsen, Vishy Anand, Bent Larsen, and other top players.

The Ultimate Blunder

No one has ever won a game by resigning. The first step to refuting a sacrifice is to keep the game going. See if you can fare better than Black did in this game.
1 izaicinājums

Anand's Resourcefulness

White has played a deadly sacrifice against future world champion, Vishy Anand. How did he win material and then defend is king, on his way to victory?
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The Best Known 2100 Player In The World

Before they were grandmasters, Andrew Soltis and Walter Browne played this sharp battle. How did Soltis demonstrate the value of his extra piece against Black's attack?
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Giving Back Material

GM Anton Korobov grabbed material and gave a bit of it back to win a nice miniature.
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A World Championship Counterattack

Vladimir Kramnik was behind in his world championship against Vishy Anand and tried a dangerous sacrifice. How did Anand fight back?
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Carlsen's Extra Queen

Desperate to keep his title, Anand went all-out to checkmate Magnus Carlsen, even allowing a second queen. How did Carlsen defend?
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Svidler's Calculation

GM Peter Svidler has frequently performed well in candidates tournaments. Here he finds a way to win material and keep it against GM Dmitry Andreikin.
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Larsen's Greed Pays Off

GM Bent Larsen has played an aggressive opening and won material against GM Mark Taimanov. How did he convert his advantage?
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Nakamura's Optimism Punished

GM Sergey Karjakin won the 2016 candidates in part by refuting an unsound sacrifice from GM Hikaru Nakamura. How did he do it?
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Refuting The Moller Gambit

The Moller Gambit was a dangerous weapon in the hands of past greats like Capablanca, but modern theory has offered Black a good game. Try to spot Black's most essential resource.
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A Dragon Defends Itself

White has just played a thematic exchange sacrifice against the Sicilian Dragon. How should Black keep an advantage?
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What To Do With Two Queens

In a recent game your author got away with a dubious series of sacrifices. Could you do better with the black pieces?
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A Missed Opportunity

Black's attack soon broke through. How could White have defended?
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Opposite Side Castling

With kings on opposite sides you can expect fireworks. White overlooked some resources when sacrificing a knight.
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A Surprise Sacrifice

White's bishop sacrifice took your author totally by surprise. How would you recover?
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A Wild Finish

White is winning, but Black complicated the game with Nxh3. How can you keep control?
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Refute The Sacrifice

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0 minūšu
17 izaicinājumi
Publicēta 1/11/2023