Encontra um Clube de Xadrez

The Great British Empire.
The Great British Empire is an international club, who welcome chess players from all round the world, of all nationalities and all chess abilities...
🌟 Представляємо найкращий Шаховий клуб chessMAD! 🌟 Ви готові підняти свою любов до шахів на новий рівень? Не шукайте далі - ми з великим задоволен...
Mechanics' Chess Club - USCF Online Rated
This is the club for all players who would like to participate in Mechanics' Institute Chess Club's USCF online rated tournaments.Players must subm...
C and O Family Chess Center Online and Alumni Group
The private home-group for all current, and former, C&O Family Chess Center players. 
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goat's club
NetChessNChill Chess Club
Welcome To My Chess Club! We Will  Play Tournaments.   This Club Is For Fun!
Here we meet old friends and find new friends. This group functions as a substitute for the original Main Hall Chat and the old Debate+ room.  Most...
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Bobby Boy's Chess Club
The official chess club for Logic
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Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez
 Bem-vindo ao clube oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez!    Nossa missão é capacitar as pessoas, enriquecer vidas e melhorar as comunid...
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Occitanie Échecs
  Équipe dédiée à tous les membres qui habitent ou aiment l'Occitanie. Bienvenue à tous. 
Team México
¡Juega por México! Team México es el equipo que representa a nuestro país en chess.com, registrado para competir en la Liga Mundial en las modalid...
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Jackalope USCF Club
Welcome to the Jackalope Club In order to be/stay in this club you need to keep your USCF membership up to date and for me to verify that you’re w...
We leisurely swim on all the oceans of the Earth at a speed of 7-14 days per move.
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Charleston Chess Club
The Charleston Chess Club (CCC) in Charleston, South Carolina encourages all players to come out and join us for a night of chess. CCC meets every ...
Asociacion Mexicana de Ajedrez-AMA
Nosotros: AMA (Asociación Mexicana de Ajedrez) es una agrupación de personas amantes del Ajedrez, integrada por jugadores Nacionales ...
11 102
Hallo Sannu سلام Hɛlo Aloha pershendetje שלום Cześć ሀሎ नमस्ते Olá مرحبًا Nyob zoo ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Ողջույն Helló Allinllachu নমস্কাৰ Hall...
Chessonearth team club only on chess.com
Bag End Club
If you are a fan of hobbits and all things Middle Earth, please join us for some tea, cakes, and daily chess at Bag End 🌿☕🍰🍷🍀 Bag End Club - Ches...
Mir Sultan Chess Academy
Mir Sultan Chess Academy is the emerging platform for intermediate chess training sessions and It is the ideal forum for young & energetic play...
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2025 Freestyle Chess - Open Qualifiers
Welcome to the 2025 Freestyle Chess Open Qualifiers club! Players must pre-register in order to play in the Open Qualifiers. You only need to fill ...
Private Military Chess Club - PMCC ᛒᛊᚱᛇᛊᚱᛕᛊᚱᛇ We are primarily looking for people who like daily chess, vote chess. We are members of Cl...