Найти шахматный клуб

Team Colorado
For members who live in or have direct ties to Colorado. If you'd like to join Team Colorado, when you submit your request let us know what your ti...
Villagers Chess Club
This is a club for the Villagers Chess chess variant, where your king is a pawn! if you want to know about about this variant, or want to meet peop...
Team Norway
Bli med i Team Norway som har representert Norge i Europaligaen og Verdensligaen siden 2008! Delta i interne turneringer og spill online, vote ches...
2 960
Chess Friends for Friends
Chess Friends for Friends is an online chess group for chess addicts. We do play thematic and open tournaments, feel free to join and to have fun. ...
5 668
Szachowa społeczność związana z portalem Infoszach. Naszym celem jest promocja królewskiej gry w Polsce. W tym klubie spodziewajcie się informacji...
8 352
Private Military Chess Club - PMCC ᛒᛊᚱᛇᛊᚱᛕᛊᚱᛇ We are primarily looking for people who like daily chess, vote chess. We are members of Cl...
Chess.com - Magyar
Üdvözöl a Chess.com magyar csapata!A Chess.com - Magyar klub egy magyar nyelvű csoport az oldal magyar látogatóinak.  Barátkozz olyanokkal, akik os...
3 979
Scuola Italiana di scacchi
Gruppo in cui si raccolgono le lezioni gratuite: da principiante a terza categoria nazionale. Corso di scacchi e molto altro Le richieste di iscri...
Chess Club Golden Move
საჭადრაკო კლუბი „ოქროს სვლა“მოგესალმებით „ოქროს სვლაში“, სადაც ყოველი სვლა ოსტატობასთან მიგაახლოვებთ! 🌟 ჩვენი კლუბი განკუ...
Welcome to among us, the largest among us fan club on chess.com! We hope you enjoy it here!
1 342
Hispano Chess Club
Club abierto a todos los hispanohablantes. Donde la diversidad y la diversión son nuestro lema. El trabajo en equipo y el juego li...
Play | Fun | Chess
Team Russia
"ВНИМАНИЕ! Прежде чем подать заявку на присоединение к Команде России ПРОЧТИТЕ ВЕСЬ ТЕКСТ на этой странице!" This is the team representing Russia ...
10 637
TCS Maitree Chess Club
This club was created for all the chess players who are associates of Tata Consultancy Services. To join the club whatsapp - Velmurugan / Praveen ...
1 041
KNOCKOUT VOTE CHESS LEAGUE (KOVCL) runs vote chess tournaments (both standard & chess960) between different clubs on chess.com. All season...
Mexico Live Chess
¡Juega por México! México Live Chess es el equipo que representa a nuestro país en chess.com, registrado para competir en las ligas "Mundial (LCWL...
5 552
Phoenix Chess League
Welcome to Phoenix Chess League! Phoenix Chess League (PCL) is a newly created league in 2024, which intends to bring events between clubs in mul...
The Blogger Awards v2.0
This club follows in the footsteps of the original The Blogger Awards. We host blogging competitions and recognize the best efforts in ten categori...
The Chess Titans
Just for fun. Le'ts grow bigger, so we can play team matches and vote chess games against other teams.
1 389
RL Chess
Welcome to RL Chess! WAJIB FOLLOW AND SUBSCRIBE RLCHESS!!TIKTOK     :  https://www.tiktok.com/@rl_chess   Instagram ...
3 147
Silk Play Club
გამოაგზავნეთ მოთხოვნა და დაგიდასტურებთ
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gramy tur...