Найти шахматный клуб

Philippine Critical Movers
Philippine Critical Movers is a group of Filipino chess players who love their country and are proud to use the Philippine flag in all team matches...
1 348
Roderick's Fans Club
Este es mi club privado me puedes desafiar a vote chess si quieres o no se xD, This is my private club, you can challenge me to vote chess if you w...
This is the group representing ''Madagascar'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Matc...
1 702
Roleplay with strangers
Hiya~ Welcome to roleplay with strangers! :3 The name speaks for itself, you can roleplay, with strangers!!!!
Team Barcelona
Per tota la gent que viu a Barcelona, hi hagi estat o li agradi la ciutat. Para toda la gente que viva en Barcelona, haya estado en ella o le guste...
Wyoming Chess Club
This is a chess club for people living in (or from) Wyoming. All ages are welcome.  We're planning to offer on-line instruction for kids and adults...
Hi! We invite you to join “Eternals-Superheroes”. We want all chess players together, make a good friendship, share ideas, experience...
Team Wales-Cymru
Welcome to Team Wales! This is the group representing Wales in the Chess.com World League and European League. In order to join this club you wil...
Russian Chess School
🚀Take your game to the next level 🔝📚Learn chess the Russian School way.👇Join my learning community for chess improvers and chess enthusiasts lookin...
2 075
2500 under club
Join the 2500 under club today!   We have around 150 members and play lots of daily chess, vote chess. Once we get a lot more member...
Team Romania
Team Romania este echipa națională a României pe Chess.com. Echipa reprezintă România în principalele competiții oficiale de tip Daily și Live.   ...
5 065
Lunar Nights
                   Lunar NightsAre you looking to level up your chess game and connect with chess...
The Chess Area
Hello, this is a club made for fun events and classical games of chess. My club community hopes to get by the end of the year over 1,000 members. T...
Bourne Chess Club
Chess club playing social and league chess on Thursday evenings 6.30-9.30pm at Wake House, Bourne
Chess Empire School
Шахматная школа Chess Empire начала свою работу в мае 2016 года, когда был открыт первый филиал. На данный момент школа имеет 7 филиалов по г.Алмат...
1 ko spam  2 ko chử tục   
Fan Clubs League
This is a group for members of Fan Clubs, which participate in the Fan Clubs league championship.
S. D. Compostela
Official Channel of the Compostela Sports Society  . We are a sports and competitive social group looking for new members of all levels, it is...
Hello!  This club is for cat lovers!  Any cats, all cats!  Cats are awesome, and if you love them, come on in! 🐈✨ We are trying to...
Brilliant Chess League
Welcome to Brilliant Chess League! We invite you to the most brilliant club on Chess.com!! Amazing club with 1,700+ members!  Join now, ...
1 780
The NEW Green Dragon Inn
European InterRegio Championship
The European InterRegio Championship (EIRC) offers competitions for approved clubs from European regions. You can follow results in EIRC&nbs...