
Hey guys! Smile


My nickname is Rocky. "Rocky" comes from my username which I use for just about everything that needs a username online. "Rocky" comes from the "Rock" part from "Rockongirl". Adding a "y" makes it so much cuter and it has become my nickname offline, too! Few people call me Rock. Rockongirl is actually Rock On Girl, because I'm a girl and since I love music, "Rock On" is like a music verb.

Music is my life. So if you like music, please become my friend! I love pop and jazz. I love all the songs from Disney Channel and I have an awesome kareoke machine!


I'm active in chess and play whenever I can. If I'm online, I'll probably be on Live Chess, Online Chess, or helping my group, Isolated Chess. You can find the group here.



I love acting and usually I'm in a show at my professional theatre, , Fabrefaction. Their gala, to raise money, is in November, I think, and I'll give you more details when I know them (LOL). Their spring show is Peter Pan, I'm very excited. I'm taking Voice Lessons to improve my voice so that I can get some of the main roles in the professional shows (adults as adults, kids as kids)!


 For any questions or comments please tell me by message or leave a  note on my homepage. Smile

Enjoy the rest of your day! Smile

Isolated Chess HQ
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Isolated Chess
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