Diamantový člen

Honesty is key for every relationship

Go sub to The Miracle of Chess, and PawnChess

Shoutouts to

Oddbyte i don’t know what to say but he was my grandpa then he passed away but he is the reason i got into chess and was a lovely guy

MiracleNahar for helping me get better at pretty much everything and a really good player and very nice! Also spells focus phocus lol

ForSeveralReasons seriously got at bullet and definitely helped me learn somethings really nice too. Also the greatest coach of all time.

Onebigfish there with me from the beginning is busy now but extremely good, smart, and nice.

pawnsonglikedawn very kind, had to add her cause she is very relatable, very funny

charlesbeat21 interesting dude as good as me 

Mackadat a lil bro like me! Very nice too!

Kyu13 very very very very good

xoF_bacon_Fox is very nice

bobjob101 not going to lie, I don’t know much about him but he seems to be pretty nice

steeeel friends from like 2022


facts about me

im eleven

cats are the best dogs suck if you are interested in why dogs suck let me tell you a little story

one day I was out walking through the woods near our house, and over a hill a dog a big brown dog, comes snarling and growling, it does not want to play, so I RUN AS FAST AS I CAN but the dog is faster so I had an adrenaline rush and picked up a huge log and slammed that dog in the head, don’t worry it is still alive. But I ran home crying. You think that is not enough for me to hate all dogs? Let me tell you another one. I was going to my older brother’s friend’s house with my brother and I walked in and the dog got less than 6 inches away from bitting me. Guess what my reaction was? I ran home crying. Another thing I hate is when dog owners say “she’s friendly” when they clearly aren’t. Also please keep your dog on a leash. And another reason is I’m allergic to dogs and people don’t really understand that.
i also love penguins

i only care about others (who are kind) i don’t really care for myself

i get bullied

i do have a short temper

The main thing that makes me happy is seeing others happy

if your toxic go away also to those who think I cheat, check my accuracy it is trash!


welp here is a super hard puzzle gl