u think uR shT but s0 is eveRy0nE elSe
peRfecTi0n d0es n̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ exisT sT0p bElievinG faLsE sTuff
u think uR n0t en0ugh, buT, th0sE wh0 u think iS the peRfecT, expEriencE thiS fiRst
jusT livE uR liFe d0nt lisTeN t0 0theR ppl giving u dAmN suggEsTi0ns
u c0ntr0l uRselF
uR stR0ng
bY uRselF
tRusT meEe
u d0nt nEed th0sE ppL
st0p acTing likE u caRe and st0p friKin tRusTing stRangeRs
idc abT it
u thinK theY caRe buT thEy donT, thaS whY, guRl, u geT huRt.
@fucoda~ aAa u g0tta comE bacK
@SNP-Chosen~ ilysmmmm<3 no one can ever replace youuu
There is war in reward
There is us in trust
There is ok in broken
There is dying and studying