
Combinations of Mikhail Tal

Combinations of Mikhail Tal

Learn to attack like Tal!

Have you ever wondered how the magician from Riga was able to attack the way he did? Do you want to practice tactics with one of the greatest attackers of all time? Then this is the course for you! The 8th World Champion, Mikhail Tal, has inspired millions with his attacking genius, now you can be inspired too! Start attacking like Tal today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn from the tactics of Mikhail Tal!
  • Practice calculating killer combinations!
  • Learn to judge sacrifices like a champion!

Tal-Tringov, Munich Olympiad 1958

Here we see a young Tal playing in his first chess Olympiad. Known as "The Magician from Riga", Tal had an extremely imaginative style of play.
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Tal- Skuja, Latvia ch 1958

Mikhail Tal's amazing imagination and willingness to go on sacrificial adventures made him one of the most beloved chess players.
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Tal-Perez, Havana 1963

Here we see Tal finishing up one of his many checkmating attacks.
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Tal-Averkin, USSR 1973

In the lesson you will try to find a simple but elegant tactic played by Tal.
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Tal-Portisch, Bled 1965

Genna Sosonko wrote: In the mid-50s a young man, practically a boy, with fiery black eyes and a manner of playing that surprised everyone.
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Tal-Teschner, Vienna 1957

"To this day I remember the face of the barman in Wijk aan Zee, at our first meeting outside Russia in January 1973, when he had to pur five portions of cognac into one glass."
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Tal-Quinteros, Brazil 1987

Tal is quote as saying "They compare me to Lasker, which is an exaggerated honor. He made mistakes in every game and I only in every second one!"
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Tal-Timman, Reykjavik 1988

Here we see the great Mikhail Tal winning material by making use of a pin.
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Maus-Tal, Tyskland 1991

"His credo was to create tension and to seize the initiative, to create a position such that the spiritual factor - that of giving mate - would prevail over and even laugh at material values."
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Tal-Ballon, Berlin 1986

Referring to his piece sacrifices, Mikhail Tal said "They can only take them one at a time!"
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Spassky-Tal, Montreal 1979

Tolush, after losing the game of his life in his best tournament in 1957, said to Spassky: 'You know, Borya, today I lost to a genius."
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Walther-Tal, Havana 1966

As Black, Tal has a strong attack on the Queenside. Even though the White King appears to be safe, Black finds a way to win.
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Medina-Tal, Palma de Mallorca 1979

Bobby Fischer said this about Mikhail Tal: "He is not so much interested in who has the better game, or in the essential soundness of his own game."
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Szukszta - Tal, Uppsala 1956

Here we see a combination played by Tal before he was TAL and had become world famous.
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Tal-Rantanen, Tallin 1979

Despite having serious health problems in his later years, Tal remained one of the world's strongest players.
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Tal-Tringov, Amersterdam 1964

Having your King vulnerable in the center against Tal, as is the case in this position, is a recipe for disaster.
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Tal-Dvoryetsky, Leningrad 1972

Despite a physical defect - from birth Tal had only 3 fingers on his right hand - he played the piano very well.
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Tal-Wade, Tallinn 1971

Here we see another example of Tal brilliant attacking the opponent's King.
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Tal-Botvinnik, Moscow 1960

Here we see Tal on the hunt for Mikhail Botvinnik's King from the 1960 World Championship match.
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Tal-Holmov, USSR Ch 1969

"He showed little interest in his health or appearance, or in what others thought of him. He was from another planet," Genna Sosonko on Mikhail Tal.
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Tal-Botvinnik, World Championship 1961

This game is from the World Championship in 1961, in which Botvinnik won the title back from Tal. Tal was starting to have serious health problems at this point.
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Tal-Platonov, Dubna 1974

White's pieces are pointing at the Black King, but you need to find the correct moves to keep Black from escaping.
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Tal-Tolush, Russian Championship 1958

Black's Kingside has been weakened. Not something that you want to see happen when you're playing Tal!
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Tal-Gedevanishvili, Poti 1970

Mikhail Tal was born in Riga, Latvia, on November 9, 1936. He was known as "The Magician from Riga" for his amazing tactical feats on the chessboard.
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Combinations of Mikhail Tal

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Датум објављивања 6/1/2009