International Master and Chess Coach Attila Turzo

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Olympiad Expo Classic - Round 1

Olympiad Expo Classic - Round 1

IM AttilaTurzo
| 6 days ago

The Chess olympiad started yesrterday in Budapest, Hungary. There are many side events. I joined to Olympiad Expo Classic, which is a 9 round swiss tournament with players from 12 countries. My oponent was a 10 years old hungarian talent Almos...

Road to 2500 - Day 2

Road to 2500 - Day 2

IM AttilaTurzo
| 14 days ago

Yesterday was a busy chess day, because first I solved 13 puzzles from the book the Woodpecker method and I also played 11 games in the Titled Tuesday Tourney. You can also study it on Chessable at

Road to 2500 - Day 1

Road to 2500 - Day 1

IM AttilaTurzo
| 15 days ago

Yesterday I decided to invest time in my chess daily and set the goal to reach 2500 in blitz. I started by solving 13 exercises from the book the Woodpecker method. You can also study it on Chessable at

Would you like to improve your chess?

Would you like to improve your chess?

IM AttilaTurzo
| 16 days ago

Would you like to improve your chess? I am Attila Turzo, an international master and chess coach and I am accepting new students.  You can replay one of my best games: I am at your service to help you to reach your goals. I have ...

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