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Endgame Tips That Might Change Your Life...Or Not!

Endgame Tips That Might Change Your Life...Or Not!

WFM fla2021
| 20 days ago

Hi! Today I’m bringing you some practical tips that I always give to my students to improve in endgames. I won’t bore you with the need to learn the most typical positions, although, to be honest, you should definitely do it! . No P...

Respect the little ones!

Respect the little ones!

WFM fla2021
| Jul 22, 2024

Hi! Well, I would like to start by saying that DO NOT TRAVEL to Greece in July! I just returned from a small trip, and it was super hot there. It is a beautiful country to visit but NOT FOR SUMMERTIME. I'm getting older but NOT necessarily wiser...

Do you exchange pieces aimlessly???

Do you exchange pieces aimlessly???

WFM fla2021
| Jul 7, 2024

Hi! In this week’s post, I will talk to you about exchanging pieces. We often exchange pieces in a game because we don't know what else to do, but this is wrong! We need to stop doing this immediately! Why is it wrong to exchange pieces ...

Key points and Plans in the Italian Opening

Key points and Plans in the Italian Opening

WFM fla2021
| Jul 2, 2024

The Italian Opening has inspired many beautiful games and remains popular across all levels and eras. I play and teach it to my students because its plans are straightforward, which is particularly beneficial for beginners who may not yet have man...

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