Sakk klub keresése

Royal Wallachian Chess Club
Klub pro všechny milovníky Valašska a celé Moravy, přírodních krás, kultury, památek i šachu.Pro potěchu duše a mysli slouží fotografie přírodních ...
Đội Cờ Quân Đội
Đội Cờ Quân Đội
1 410
The Royal Chess Club
  Please consider joining The Royal Chess Club  We have all abilities of players in our club, proudly home to a GM, 3 FMs, a...
9 669
Prepara un café con Mate!!! 
Chess Universe
Welcome to Chess Universe! This enthusiastic club is happy to have you join our community. Despite our activity, which is rather standard for large...
2 353
Team Moldova
Această echipă reprezintă Republica Moldova în cadrul Campionatului Mondial și cel European, organizat pe Pentru a intra în echipă, vă r...
1 375
Central Nebraska Chess Club
For players in Central Nebraska, we are mainly based in the Tri-Cities area of Nebraska. Consider coming to our meet ups at the Kearney Public Libr...
Hassan 2 Marrakech Chess Club
Welcome to the Hassan 2 Chess Club, where students come together for strategic fun and friendly competition! Whether you're a chess enthusiast or j...
Magnus Carlsen's fan club
Hey! Want to find active,cool and strong club? Then congrats,you found it! We are inviting you to join our super active,friendly and strong fami...
1 311
The Celts
For nearly three thousand years, people of Celtic heritage have evoked the magical words of timeless tales and conveyed them through literature, mu...
Pon Farr Knight Club
If you have that uncontrollable urge to mate someone, this is Pon Farr. Here is the place to demonstrate your fancy mating skills,with the best t...
Free pieces are for noobs
Prove your worth for admin, also free pieces are for noobs. (>.<)
The Stargazers
Come, and look at the sky🌌 and lets stargaze together ✨ ✨PLS JOIN ✨ ✨After choosing 10 admins, we will choose our coordinators!✨
Real Madrid C.F.
El club del Real Madrid Club de Fútbol. Jugamos en la División 2 de la Global Football League.   The club of Real Madrid Club...
1 260
Will this club get to 3000 members
JOIN NOW FOR EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EVENTS!🎯 Help us reach 3000 members and become part of an active, competitive, and fun community! What are you waiti...
Knightcap Chess Club
Knightcap Chess Club - Eight by eight 'til late. We host up-beat, stylish chess events in some of the coolest venues across Toronto, Austin, and ...
Mafia Masters
Join and invite your friends for some good games of mafia! This club was made for the shifting community that was involved in multiple clubs to bri...
Mir Sultan Chess Academy
Mir Sultan Chess Academy is the emerging platform for intermediate chess training sessions and It is the ideal forum for young & energetic play...
3 317
Niver give up
C and O Family Chess Center Online and Alumni Group
The private home-group for all current, and former, C&O Family Chess Center players. 
1 261
Occitanie Échecs
  Équipe dédiée à tous les membres qui habitent ou aiment l'Occitanie. Bienvenue à tous. 
Team of Budapest
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. The Budapest Commuter Area is home to 3.3 million people. The history of Budapest began with Aquincum, that bec...