FallenS0ul And Friends

회원 45명
2020. 1. 30.
17 플레이한 이벤트

Hi! This is for all friends of FallenS0ul! We will have Vote Chess, Daily Matches, games, contests and Tournaments! Please join!! Thanks to @AthenaTheChessCub for creating this club for me!!! Have a nice day.

All the hurricanes and earthquakes and fires and storms cannot break you, if you remember a few things. We are here to love with our whole hearts. Lean into your kindness and empathy in the face of evil - but do not let evil win. Keep going. The list of things to live for is limitless and it is possible to be happy again. Be happy, dragons(people) of the future. You can change the world with your joy and your hope. —-Clearsight
