I am Alessandro Santagati, a 35 years old FM.I live in Catania , Sicily , and I started playing chess at the age of 11. I have extensive...
❌ No progress? ❌ Hit a wall? ✅ Step-by-step...
If you wanna improve look no further!! Languages: English/Urdu Coaching Method: Depends on the level of play, period of engagement...
Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
Are you looking to enhance your chess skills? Would you like some help with openings, or are you finding middlegames challenging?...
my email : [email protected] FIDE MASTER If you are interested in online chess lessons, please call 806-392-7411
Hey guys! I am a big chess lover from Russia who always tries to learn something new in chess. I am currently studying and living...
Author of the book - 100 endgames you must not knowGet a chesscom membership(#ad): https://www.chess.com/membership?ref_id=22425818