Ulanyjy Şertnamasy

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Soňky täzelendirme: 7/22/2024




Chess.com saýtyna hoş geldiňiz!

Gepiň gysgasy: Başgalaryny sylaň, kanuna eýeriň we lezzet alyň!

The website Chess.com, (the “Site“) along with all related content, features, mobile and web applications (“Apps“), and other services (collectively with the Site and the Apps, the “Services“) are brought to you by Chess.com LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Chess.com“). By purchasing a subscription to the Services, registering an Account for, or just using the Services, you acknowledge that you have read and understand these Terms, and agree to be bound by them. Both these Terms and separate terms of service or sale documents may apply to your use of the Services or to a sweepstake, service, or product offered via the Services (Additional Terms). To the extent there is a conflict between these Terms and any Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will control unless expressly state otherwise.

In these Terms, you refers to Users (as defined below) of the Services and purchasers of Accounts (as defined below). An Adult is a person of lawful age under the laws applicable to the location in which the person resides and who can lawfully enter into a contract. By purchasing a subscription to, registering for, or using the Services, you represent and warrant that you are an Adult.

This is a legally binding agreement between you and us. Our Fair Play Policy, Subscriber Agreement, Community Policy, Competitive Events and Prizes Policy, Giveaways, Games of Chance and Sweepstakes Policy, and Gift Membership Service (the “Other Policies“) all are fully integrated into these Terms, meaning that by accepting these Terms, you also accept the Other Policies. If you are unable to access any of the Other Policies using the links above, please notify us at https://chess.com/support. Further, our Privacy Policy describes how we collect, handle and use the information you provide to us when you use the Service.

To enter into this Agreement, use the Services, and/or create an account with us, you must be at least 13 years of age. If you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction -- but are at least 13 years of age - then your parent or legal guardian must consent to this Agreement on your behalf prior to your use of the Services and you may only use the Services with the consent and involvement of your parent or legal guardian. If you know of someone under the age of either 13 or the legal age in their jurisdiction (whichever is older) who is using the Service -- or has created an account with us -- and they are doing so without parental/guardian consent, then please notify us at https://chess.com/support. We do not ask you for your birth date, if you use the Service or create an account with us, then you are affirming that you meet these requirements and we are permitted to reasonably rely on that.

Bu Şertler, Beýleki Syýasatlar we Pynhanlyk Syýasatymyz wagtal-wagtal täzelenip ýa-da modifirlenip biler; şeýlelikde, bu sahypany yzygiderli dowamlylykda gözden geçirmelisiňiz. Serwisimizden peýdalanmaga dowam etseňiz, bu şertnamalara we syýasatlara razylyk bildirýärsiňiz saýylar. Hiç bir syýasatymyz üstündäki özgerişiklerden sizi habardar etmäge borçly däldiris, kanunyň bizden sizi habardar etmegimizi talap edýän Ştatlar ýa-da ýurtlardan daşary.

Summary of Key Points

You should read this entire Terms and Conditions and also our Global Privacy Policy and the Other Policies but here are some key points:

  • Each account is assigned to a single User, and it is intended solely for personal, non-commercial use.
  • You agree not to engage in any unlawful activities or harm others while using the Services.
  • By activating a Member Account, you agree that we may renew your subscription automatically for the same subscription term on the day after your previous subscription ends, and for Member Accounts, you authorize us to charge you for the subscription term, unless you cancel your Account prior to its renewal date through the procedures described in Section 1(D)(iii) (Subscription Cancellation).
  • YOU AGREE TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES RATHER THAN GOING TO COURT as set forth in Section 7 (Arbitration and Dispute Resolution).
  • Your use of the Services is AS IS, without warranty and will result in no liability to us as set forth in Section 8 (Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties) and Section 9 (Limitations of Liability).

Içindäkiler Tablisasy

1. Accounts, Passwords, and Payments

2. Services Ownership and License

3. Content You Submit

4. Services and Content Use Restrictions

5. Linking to and from Our Services

6. Governing Law

7. Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

8. Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties

9. Limitations of Liability


11.Infringement Policy and Reporting Procedure

12.Wireless Features

13.Submission of Feedback

14.General Provisions

1. Accounts, Passwords, and Payments

A. Account Types

A User is capable of using some of our Services for free and also subscribe to become a member.A User does not need to be a Member to use our Services. A Member who subscribes to one of our Accounts is capable of using a larger portfolio of our Services which will depend on the the applicable Account subscription terms. The provisions of this policy apply to all Accounts.

Agza hasaplary

Member Accounts are accounts offered by us, or through one of our affiliates, that are designed for home use and are not classified as another of the types of accounts mentioned in these Terms. A Member Account is available for use by one User.

Gift Accounts

We offer the option of purchasing prepaid, nonrefundable, nontransferable access to a Member Account as a gift (Gift Account). See our Gift Membership Service Policy for the terms and conditions that apply.

B. Passwords and Account Access

Every Account has one designated User who must be a person of lawful age under the laws applicable to the location in which the person resides and who can lawfully enter into a contract. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and Account information. You agree that: (a) you will provide complete and accurate registration information about yourself and any individual you authorize to access your Account and keep your Account information up to date; (b) you are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your Account; (c) you will notify us immediately of any unauthorized Account use; (d) we are in no way responsible for any loss that you may incur as a result of any unauthorized use of your Account and password; and (e) you will not sell, transfer, or assign your Account or any Account rights. If we learn that an ineligible User has created an Account, we may seek confirmation of the User's status or deactivate the Account, without notice to the ineligible User.

C. Account Registration

A User must register an Account by: (a) providing true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as prompted by our registration form; and (b) maintaining and promptly updating the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, then we will suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service.

D. Account Fees

For certain types of Accounts, we may charge a fee, such as an Account or subscription fee. All fees are due in accordance with payment terms in effect at the time the fee or the charge becomes due. We may offer promotional trial subscriptions to access the Services for free or at special discounted prices. If you sign up for a trial subscription, your rights to use the Services are limited by the terms of such trial and will terminate or renew according to the terms of your trial arrangement and/or any applicable Additional Terms. Please note that we do not provide price protection or refunds for existing subscribers in the event of a price drop or promotional offering for new subscribers. Failure to pay any fees may result in your inability to access or use the Services.

(i) Authorization to Charge for Services

You must either use a credit card or other payment mechanism accepted by us (for example, PayPal, Apple's iTunes Store, etc.) (Pay Mechanism) to activate and maintain a paid Account. You authorize us to charge you through the Pay Mechanism that you use when registering for an Account. You will also be responsible for charges (including applicable taxes) for any products or services that you order that are offered for sale through the Services. All prices quoted for products or services are exclusive of tax, unless otherwise stated. Please note that we may take steps to verify your Pay Mechanism, which may include initiating a small (usually about $1.00 or so) authorization to your Pay Mechanism, even if you receive a free trial, which test authorization will be promptly reversed within the time period required by payment network rules. If we do not receive payment from the Pay Mechanism you use, you agree to pay all amounts due hereunder upon our demand and will be solely responsible for any dispute with your payment provider. Should the Pay Mechanism provided initially be declined for insufficient funds or any other reason, we reserve the right to attempt to recharge the Pay Mechanism in full or in lesser installments of the initially incurred charge for the duration of the Account subscription you selected and for up to an additional 90 days. You will not be charged more than the amount for which you purchased your Account subscription. You will be solely responsible for all overdraft fees and/or penalties that may be assessed by your payment provider. We use a third-party service provider to process payments on our behalf. You acknowledge and agree that in the event the third-party payment processor experiences a data breach that affects your information through no fault of ours we will in no way be responsible or liable to you for any such breach.

(ii) Subscription and Renewal

By activating a Member Account, you agree that we may renew your subscription automatically for the same subscription term on the next day after your previous subscription ends. You authorize us to charge you for the subscription term, unless you cancel your Account prior to its renewal date through the procedures described in the Subscription Cancellation section below. We will charge you using the Pay Mechanism each year, month, or other applicable period (depending on the term that you selected) for the then-current applicable price.

(iii) Subscription Cancellation

Unless you purchased your subscription(s) through the iTunes Store or the Amazon Appstore, to cancel any subscription and avoid future charges, you may cancel such subscription prior to its renewal date through the Account area on our Home Page or by contacting our Member Support Team. If you contact our Member Support Team, please know that we try to handle requests within 12-24 business hours; however, we cannot guarantee that your cancellation will be registered within that time. If you downloaded our app through the iTunes Store or Amazon Appstore, you must follow the cancellation instructions provided in the iTunes Store or Amazon Appstore, as applicable. For all Accounts, you will continue to have access to your Account for the time period that has been prepaid. After you cancel your Account, we will not charge you any subscription fees after the expiration of your then-current subscription. Please note that we do not provide full or partial refunds for prepaid sums. In any event, you will be able to continue to use the Services throughout the remainder of the subscription period for which you have already paid.

E. Promotional Codes

We may, in our sole discretion, create Promotional Codes that can be redeemed for free time, discounts on our plans, gifts, Services or other features or benefits related to our Services. These Promotional Codes and special offers are subject to the terms of each offer, as described in the applicable advertisement, as well as the terms provided here. We only honor our own Promotional Codes sent to you through our own approved communication channels.

Promotional Codes: (i) are available only for Users with a Member Account; (ii) must be used in a lawful manner and only for the intended audience and purpose; (iii) may only be redeemed once per Account, (iv) may not be combined with other Promotional Codes; (v) if redeemed on one Member Account, may not be transferred to a different Member Account; (vi) unless we expressly authorize it, may not be duplicated, sold, or transferred in any manner, or made available to the general public (whether posted to a public forum or otherwise); (vii) may be disabled or revoked by us at any time for any reason without liability; (viii) may not be redeemed for cash, gift cards, cash equivalents, or duplicate benefits, nor may they be exchanged for other plans or Services, or additional time on our plans or Services; and (ix) cannot be used retrospectively.

2. Services Ownership and License

A. Ownership

As between us and you, the Services (including past, present, and future versions) are owned and controlled by us and their Content is protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademark, trade dress, patent, and other intellectual property rights and laws to the fullest extent possible. Content means all text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, logos, sounds, music, artwork, and computer code displayed on or available through the Services and the design, structure, selection, coordination, expression, and arrangement of such materials including, without limitation, (i) materials and other items relating to us and our products and services, including, without limitation, all activities, printables, characters, photographs, audio clips, sounds, pictures, videos, and animation; (ii) trademarks, logos, trade names, service marks, and trade identities of various parties, including ours (collectively,Trademarks); and (iii) other forms of intellectual property.

B. Limited License

Subject to your compliance with these Terms, any applicable Additional Terms, your use of our Services, and/or your payment of any applicable subscription fees, we grant you a limited, nonexclusive, revocable, nonassignable and nontransferable license (License) to access, display, view, use, play, and/or print one copy (excluding certain printable activities made available through the Services, which indicate that they may be printed multiple times) of the Content on a personal computer, mobile phone or other wireless device, or other internet-enabled device (each, an Internet Device) for your personal, noncommercial use only. The License does not give you any ownership of, or any other intellectual property interest in, any Content or the Services, and you cannot otherwise use the Content or the Services without our express prior written permission. All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by us and/or our licensors and other third parties. Except as expressly provided in these Terms or with our express prior written consent, no part of the Services and no Content may be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, translated, transmitted, broadcast, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any purpose whatsoever. Any unauthorized use of any Content or the Services for any purpose is prohibited.

Hyzmata ygtyýarsyz ulaşmak hem dahyl (emma çäkli däl) bolmak bilen, Mazmuny haýsydyr bir edähetde ýa-da formda üýtgetmezligi we programmanyň üýtgedilen wersiýasyny ulanmazlygy kabul edýärsiňiz. Hyzmata ulaşmakda Chess.com tarapyndan üpjün edilen interfeýsden başga hiç bir ýoly ulanmazlygy kabul edýärsiňiz. Bu lisenziýa, biz tarapyndan islendik wagtda ýatyrylyp biliner.

You agree not to display or use our trademarks in any manner without our prior permission.

C. User Game Activity (UGA)

Serwisimiz, şeýle-de, her bir ulanyjynyň aktiwitetiniň, taryhynyň, statistikalarynyň, arhiwiniň we jemgyýete açyk oýun hasabatynyň emele getirilmesini we idegini hem öz içine alýar. Serwis üsti bilen küşt oýnanyňyzda, eýle küşt oýnundaky hasabat ("UGA"), size, beýleki ulanyjylara; Göçürilebilir Oýun Notasiýasy (PGN diýlip hem bilinýär), Forsyth-Edwards Notasiýasy (FEN diýlip hem bilinýär), GIF we/ýa-da JPEG formatlary hem dahyl käbir formatlarda elýeter bolup biler. UGA, siziň Mazmunyňyzdan, "UGA-a ulaşym we UGA ulanymy lisenziýasy" adyndaky bölümdäki lisensiýa tabyn käbir bölümleri (ulanyjy adyňyz, profil suratyňyz we ýurduňyz ýaly) hem öz içine alyp biler.

UGA-ňyzyň bu hasabaty hemgyýete açykdyr we UGA suratyňyz; bloglarda, wideolarda, sosial media neşirlerinde, oýun kolleksiýalarynda ýa-da NFT-leriň döredilmeginde ulanylmagy ýaly ýagdaýlar hem dahyl bolmak bilen, her kim tarapyndan islendik mukdarda islendik maksat üçin ulaşyma açykdyr, ulanylyp we monetizasiýa edilip biliner.

D. License to Access and Use the UGA

Serwisde başga ulanyjylar tarapyndan oýnanan oýunlaryň UGA-sy hem dahyl bolmak bilen, UGA-a ulaşmaga we ony ulanmaga limitli, eksklýuziw däl lisensiza berýäris size, o lisenziýanyň bu Şertnama tabyn bolmagy we şu ýagdaýlara hukuksyz bolmagy şerti bilen: (a) satmak, gaýtadan satmak ýa-da täjirçilik maksady bilen ulanmak; (b) gizlemek, pozmak, modifirlemek ýa-da başga ýol bilen UGA-dan ýa-da bir böleginden golçur döretmek; (c) data gazuwçy, robotlar ýa-da meňzeş data ýygnaýjy ýa-da ýaýyjy metodlar ulanmakl (d) biz tarapyndan açykça beýan edilmelerden gaýry, UGA-nyň haýsydyr bir bölegini indirmek (sahypa keşlemekden daşary); we (f) UGA-ny asyl maksatlaryndan daşary ulanmak. UGA, biziň söwda markamyzy, serwis markamyzy, logolarymyzy, söwda atlarymyzy, grafikalarymyzy, ulanyjy interfeýsimizi, dizaýnymyzy we/ýa-da Chess.com saýtynyň beýleki eýeçilik taslamalaryny öz içine alyp biler. Bu Şertnamadaky çäklendirmelere tabyn birleşdirilen UGA hökmünde displeý etme hukugyndan daşary, bu lisenziýadaky hiç bir zadyň size eýle marka ýa-da dizaýnlary islendik bir UGA-da displeý edilmegi ýa-da içine alynmagy ýaly hukuk berjek şekilde ýorgutlanmajakdygyny beýan edýärsiňiz.

3. Content You Submit

We may allow the recording, submission, or distribution of artwork, audio, video, or other Content created by Users (User-Generated Content) on or through the Services. If you are an Adult, you consent to the publication of any testimonials you send to us along with your name and other information you submit in connection with such testimonial.

Jemgyýetçilikleýin neşir edilen ýa-da şahsy iberilen ähli maglumatlaryň, tekstleriň, programmalaryň, sazlaryň, sesleriň, fotograflaryň, grafikleriň, wideolaryň, hatlaryň, tagleriň ýa-da beýleki materiallaryň jogapkärçiliginiň diňe olary iberen şahsa degişlidigine düşünýärsiňiz. Bu diýmek, Hyzmat üsti bilen ýüklän, neşir eden, email iberen, geçiren ýa-da başga ýol bilen elýeter eden mazmunlaryňyz üçin Chess.com däl-de dolulygyna siz jogapkärsiňiz. Biz, Hyzmat üsti bilen neşir edilen mazmunlary barlagdan geçirmeýäris we şeýlelikde mazmunyň takyklygyna, bitewiligine ýa-da hiline kepil geçmeýäris. Hyzmatdan peýdalanmak bilen ynjydyjy, haýasyz we nägilelige açyk mazmuna uçrap biljekdigiňizi bilýärsiňiz. E-mail bilen iberilen, ýetirilen ýa-da başga ýol bilen Hyzmat üsti bilen köpçülige elýeterlileşdirilen bir mazmunyň ulanylmagyndan dörän haýsydyr bir ýitgi ýa-da zeper ýa-da mazmundaky nädogrylyk ýa-da kemçilik hem degişli bolmak bilen, emma bu bilen çäklenmezden, Chess.com hiç bir ýagdaýda hiç bir mazmundan jogapkär däldir.

You acknowledge that Chess.com may or may not pre-screen Content, but that Chess.com and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in our sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse, or remove any Content that is available via the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, Chess.com and our designees shall have the right to remove any Content that violates this Agreement or is otherwise objectionable. We may remove any Content on the Service for any reason and may suspend or terminate users or reclaim usernames at any time without liability to you. We also reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information as we reasonably believe is necessary to (i) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, (ii) enforce this Agreement, including investigation of potential violations hereof, (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues, (iv) respond to user support requests, or (v) protect the rights, property, or safety of Chess.com, its users, and the public.

Biz, başga ulanyjylar tarapyndan emele getirilýän Mazmuna gözegçilik etmeýäris we edip bilmeýäris. Biz, ulanyjy-asylly mazmunyň, başga ulanyjylar, şol sanda siz hem, tarapyndan hem ulanylmaga uýgundygyna kepil geçmeýäris.

Serwis we Serwise bitişik software-iň, digital materiallaryň goralmagyna ýol berýän komponenti öz içine alyp biljekdigine düşünýärsiňiz we bu materiallaryň ulanuwynyň Chess.com saýtynyň we/ýa-da Serwise mazmun üpjün edýänleriň ulanuw düzgünlerine tabyndygyna düşünýärsiňiz. Eýle bitişik software kukileri hem öz içine alyp biler. Has köp maglumat üçin, Kukiler syýasatamyza göz gezdiriň.

Serwise bagly hiç bir ulanyş düzgünini bozmak ýa-da aldamak üçin hakyňyz ýok. Serwisde üpjün edilen islendik bir materialyň, bütinligine ýa-da parçalaýyn, ygtyýarlandyrylmasyz gaýtadan döredilmegi, neşir edilmegi, dagydylmagy ýa-da halka açyk sergilenmegi gadagandyr.

Chess.com, Ulanyjylar-tarapyndan-döredilen, ýa-da siziň ugradan ýa-da Serwise dahyl edilmesi üçin elýeter eden Mazmunyňyz üçin eýelik öňe sürmeýär. Emma bize, ulanmak, dagatmak, gaýtadan döretmek, modifirlemek, uýgunlaşdyrmak, neşir etmek, terjime etmek, ötürmek, jemgyýete açyk amal etmek we displeý etmek; we eýle islendik Mazmuny ýa-da Ulanyjylar-tarapyndan-döredilen Mazmuny başga işlere häzir bilinýän ýa-da geljekde oýlanyp tapylmasy mümkin islendik formatda seplemek üçin; bütindünýäde geçerli, awtorluk hukugyndan azat, dyngysyz, ýatyrylmasyz, transfer edilebilir, eksklýuziw däl, sub-lisenzirleme hukukly lisenziýa berýärsiňiz. Eýle lisenziýa, Chess.com hasabyňyzy pozmagyňyzdan ýa-da Chess.com hasabyňyzy bu Şertnama esasynda biz beklemegimizden, togtatmagymyzdan ýa-da soňlandyrmagymyzdan soňra-da dowam eder. Jikme-jiklik üçin, bu berilen sub-lisenzirleme hukuklu lisenziýa, islendik Mazmuny, oýunlary, teswirleri, ulanyjy atlaryny ýa-da hasabyňyz bilen ilteşikli beýleki UGA (aşakda kesgitlenişi ýaly) weýa-da siziň Mazmunyňyzy (Chess.com hasap ulanyjy adyňyz, profil suratyňyz we ýurduňyz ýaly) neşir etmek, gaýtadan ulanmak ýa-da monetizasiýa etmek hukugyny öz içine alýar. Biz eýle hukuklary 3-nji taraplara sub-lisenzirläp bileris; mysal üçin, biz bu hukugy Birigen Hyzmatlara (aşakda kesgitlenişi ýaly) sub-lisenzirläp bileris. Neşir etmek ýa-da Serwis üsti bilen başga ýol bilen elýeter etmek (Chess.com hasaby profıl suraty hem dahyl) bilen, eýle Mazmun üçin gerekli hukuklary bermäge gerekli bolan ähli hukuklara, lisenziýalara, razyçylyjlara, rugsatlara, güýç we ygtyýara eýedigiňizi şöhlelendirýärsiňiz.

Chess.com interfeýsini ulanmagyň wideo alynmagy, ulanylmagyna we paýlaşylmagyna (mysal üçin, Youtube, Twitch we ş.m.) rugsat berilýär, logomuzyň hem interfeýsde görünmegi we täjirçilikden-daşary maksatly bolmagy şerti bilen. Wideo alnan material, döredijisiniň eýeçiligindedir emma interfeýs, taslama we sungat eseri biziň mülkümizdir. Mülkiýamyzdan peýdalanmak hukugyňyzy islendik wagtda, öz ätiýaçlygymyzda, ýatyrmak hukukygyny welin elimizde saklamaga dowam edýäris.

4. Services and Content Use Restrictions

A. Account Restrictions

Chess.com, e-poçta hatlarynyň, hat tagtasy neşirleriniň ýa-da ýüklenilen beýleki mamzunlaryň Hyzmat tarapyndan saklanjak maksimum gün sany, Hyzmatdaky hasap üsti bilen iberilip ýa-da kabul edilip bilinjek maksimum hat mukdary, Hyzmatdaky hasap üsti bilen iberilip ýa-da kabul edilip bilinjek maksimum hat möçberi, biziň serwerlerimizde siziň adyňyza paý berilip bilinjek maksimum disk huşy mukdaryny we belli bir döwür içinde Hyzmata ulaşyp biljek maksimum sapar (we her sapardaky süre) mukdary hem dahyl bolmak bilen emma bular bilen çäklenmezden; Hyzmatyň ulanyşy barada umumy amalyýet we çäkler esaslandyryp biler. Chess.com, Hyzmatdan ýa-da Hyzmat üsti bilen dowam etdirilen ýa-da iberilen haýsydyr bir hatyň ýa-da beýleki habarlaşma esbaplarynyň ýa-da mazmunyň pozulmagy ýa-da ýatda saklanmazlygy barada jogapkärçiligi we borçlulygy ýokdyr. Biz, belli bir döwürde aktiw bolmadyk hasaplary log off etmek hukugyny özümizde saklaýarys.

Furthermore, with respect to the Fair Play Policy, we also may establish general practices and limits concerning the use of your account, including without limitation: monitoring your game data and behavior and, upon finding your behavior suspicious, restricting your game play, removing you from an event, or preventing you from joining an event. Other examples of our general practices concerning the use of your account upon finding your behavior suspicious may include letting the public know your account or game play is under review and making public any communications between us and you related to our finding your behavior suspicious. For clarity, we have complete discretion with respect to your account and related communications when finding your behavior suspicious in any respect.

Chess.com, bu umumy amalyýetleri we çäkleri size habar etmezden wagtal-wagtal özgertmek hukugyny özünde saklaýar.

B. Termination of Account

Biz; sebäpli ýa-da sebäpsiz we öňünden duýdurmazdan, hasabyňyzy, baglanşykly email adresiňizi we Hyzmata ulaşymyňyzy derrew soňlandyryp, togtadyp we pozup bileris. Bu Şertnama ýa-da beýleki Syýasatlara eýermek, Serwise geljekde ulaşyma kepil geçmeýär. Beýle soňlandyrmanyň sebäbi, bular bilen çäklenmezden şu sebäpler bolup biler: (a) Bu Şertnamany ýa-da baglanşykly beýleki şertnamalary ýa-da gollanmalary bozmak, (b) kanuny ýerine ýetiriji ýa-da beýleki hökümet organlarynyň towakgalary, (c) siziň towakgaňyz, (d) Hyzmatyň (ýa-da bir parçasynyň) togtadylmagy ýa-da maddy özgerişikler, (e) garaşylmadyk tehniki ýa-da howpsuzlyk meseleleri, (f) uzak wagtlyk hereketsizlik, (g) kezzaplyk ýa-da kanundan daşary işlerinde bolmagyňyz we/ýa-da (h) Hyzmat bilen baglanşykly haýsydyr bir tölegi tölemezligiňiz. Hasabyňyz; bize, aktuwal we kompensasiýasy mümkin zeper ýetirmek (mysal üçin, Chess.com data-larynyň bozulmagyna gatnaşmak) ýaly hereketler sebäpli ýapylan erse, Utah Ştatynyň kazyýeti ýa-da başga kazyýetler üsti bilen biz size garşy ähli hukuklardan we çärelerden peýdalanyp bileris.

Termination of your Chess.com account may include us taking the following measures: (a) removal of access to all offerings within the Services, (b) deletion of your password and all related information, files and content associated with or inside your account (or any part thereof), (c) barring of further use of the Services, (d) if you violate the Fair Play Policy, labeling your account as having been closed for violating the Fair Play Policy, as well as removing your profile avatar, name and personal information from the account (but retaining its username, email address, evidence of violations and/or FIDE ID), (e) if you violate the Fair Play Policy while playing an event, the event organizer may disqualify you from the event due to your Chess.com account having been closed for a Fair Play Policy violation, and (f) if you violate the Community Policy, labeling your account as having been closed for abuse, as well as removing your profile avatar, name and personal information from the account (but retaining its username, email address, evidence of violations and/or FIDE ID).

Further, you agree that all terminations shall be made in our sole discretion and that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your account, any associated email address, or access to the Services. There is no right to appeal the termination of a Chess.com account unless we, in our sole discretion, determine to provide such an appeal. If you are subject to the GDPR or if you are a domiciliary of the State of California, termination of your Chess.com account does not terminate your right to receive a copy of, or request the deletion of, any personal data that we hold or process for you.

C. User Conduct

Siz, Hyzmaty şular üçin ulanmazlyga ylalaşýarsyňyz:

  • bikanun, zyýanly, haýbat atyjy, betpäl, jabjynyjy, kemsidiji, sögünç, aýyp, aç-açan jynsy, pornografik, garalaýyjy, başgalaryň şahsy pynhanlygyna hüjüm ediji, ýigrenç ýa-da rasizmli, etniki ýa-da başga ýoldan nägilelige ýol açýan islendik bir mazmuny ýüklemek, neşir etmek, mail ibermek, geçirmek ýa-da başga ýol bilen elýeter etmek;
  • forumlarda dini, syýasy ýa-da Chess.com toparlaryna, klublaryna, bloglaryna ýa-da Chess.com içindäki ýa-da daşyndaky bir mazmuna, agza toplaýjy görnüşler hem dahyl bolmak bilen bilelikde, mahabat öz içine alýan ortak teswir, tekst, hat ýa-da çelgi neşir etmek;
  • forumlarda ýa-da islendik bir ortalyk ýerde asyl mazmunyň, oýnyň, makalanyň, blogyň ýa-da forum temasynyň asyl maksadyna baglanşyksyz islendik bir teswir, tekst, hat ýa-da çelgi neşir etmek;
  • kimdir birine ýowuzlyk haýbaty atmak ýa-da özüňize zyýan bermäge öjükdirmek;
  • “başga birini aňtamak ýa-da başga ýol bilen ynjytmak;
  • Chess.com wekili hem dahyl, emma muň bilen çäkli däl, bolmak bilen islendik bir şahsa ýa-da barlyga öýkünmek ýa-da ýalňyş beýan etmek ýa-da ol şahys ýa-da barlyk bilen gatnaşygyňyzy ýalňyş janlandyrmak;
  • Hyzmat üsti bilen ýetirilen mazmunyň aslyny gizlemek maksady bilen titullaryny üýtgetmek ýa-da beýleki tanadyjylaryny aldawa salmak;
  • islendik bir kanun astynda ýa-da şertnama astynda ýa-da ynamara gatnaşyk astynda hukugyňyz bolmadyk islendik bir mazmuny ýüklemek, neşir etmek, mail ibermek, geçirmek ýa-da başga ýol bilen elýeter etmek;
  • rugsady bolmazdan kimdir biriniň şahsy maglumatyny öz içine alýan ýa-da islendik bir patendi, söwda belgisini, söwda syryny, awtorluk hukugyny, jemgyýetçilik hukuklaryny ýa-da islendik bir tarapyň eýeçilik hukuklaryny bozýan islendik bir mazmuny ýüklemek, neşir etmek, mail ibermek, geçirmek ýa-da başga ýol bilen elýeter etmek;
  • upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,“ “spam,“ “chain letters,“ “pyramid schemes,“ or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas that are designated for such purpose;
  • Serwislerde ýa-da Serwisler üsti bilen displeý edilýän islendik bir awtorluk hukugyny, söwda belgisini, serwis markasyny, söwda adyny, şygary, logony, suraty ýa-da beýleki aň-düşünje notasiýasyny ulanmak, gaýtadan döretmek ýa-da pozmak;
  • programma wiruslaryny ýa-da opurmak, ýok etmek ýa-da islendik kompýuter programmasyny ýa-da apparaturalaryny ýa-da aragatnaşyk esbaplaryny kesmek, ýumurmak ýa-da çäklendirmek maksady bilen taslanan başga kompýuter kodlaryny, faýllaryny ýa-da programmalaryny öz içine alýan islendik bir materialy ýüklemek, neşir etmek, mail ibermek, geçirmek ýa-da başga ýol bilen elýeter etmek;
  • söhbetiň gidişini kesmek ýa-da beýleki agzalaryň janly wagtly söhbetdeş bolmagyna tersin täsir edýän islendik bir edehätde bolmak;
  • Serwisi ýa-da serwerleri ýa-da Serwise birigen torlary ýa-da başgalaryň Serwise ulaşymyny ýa-da Serwisi ulanymyny bekläp, aşa ýük altynda goýup, zeper berip, päsgel berip ýa-da kesip biljek şekilde Serwise ulaşym ýa-da Serwisi ulanym;
  • Serwise bagly talaplara, proseduralara, syýasatlara ýa-da tor regulýasiýalaryna boýun bolmazlyk;
  • brauzeriňiz tarapyndan displeý maksatly awto-keşlenen wagtlaýyn faýllar ýa-da bu Şertnamada açykça rugsat edilen faýllardan daşary, Serwisden ýa-da Serwis üsti bilen edinilen islendik bir maglumaty indirmek, modifirlemek, kopiýalamak, ülemek, geçirmek, displeý etmek, ýerine ýetirmek, gaýtadan döretmek, duplikat etmek, neşir etmek, lisenzirlemek, ondan şahamçalanýan iş döretmek ýa-da satuwa çykarmak;
  • Serwisi (islendik möhüm idea ýa-da algoritma hem dahyl) duplikat etmek, koduny nusgalamak, tersden inžinerlik etmek, kodlary parçalamak ýa-da kodlaryny aýdyňlaşdyrmak ýa-da bulardan islendik birine urunmak;
  • awtomat programmalary (botlary), häkleri, modifikasiýalary (modlary) ýa-da Serwisleri modifirlemek maksatly döredilen islendik bir ygtyýarsyz üçünji tarap programmalary ulanmak;
  • Hyzmatyň, Chess.com saýtynyň kompýuter ulgamlarynyň jemgyýetçilige ýapyk ýerlerine ulaşmak, çukalamak ýa-da ulanmak;
  • islendik bir ulgamy ýa-da tory çukalamak, skanirlemek ýa-da ejizligini synamak ýa-da düzgüni bozmak ýa-da islendik bir howpsuzlyk ýa-da kesgitleme ölçeglerini böwsüp geçmek;
  • islendik bir roboty, möýi, saýt gözlegi/yzyna alyjy goýma ýa-da beýleki manual ýa-da awtomatiki desga ýa-da yza almaga proses, indeks, "maglumat gazuw" ulanmak ýa-da Hyzmatyň ýa-da Hyzmatyň mazmunlarynyň nawigasional gurluşyny ýa-da hödürlenişini nusgalamak ýa-da böwsüp geçmek;
  • cancel orders repeatedly in abuse of our refund policy;
  • islendik bir ýörgünli ýerli, döwlet, ählihalk ýa-da halkara kanuny we kanun hökmündäki islendik regulýasiýasny bilgeşleýin ýa-da bilkastlaýyn bozmak;
  • ýokardaky paragraflarda kesgitlenen gadagan edilen çemeleşme we hereketler bilen beýleki ulanyjylar barada şahsy maglumat toplamak ýa-da ambarlamak
  • Serwise bu Şertnamada açykça rugsat berilmedik şekilde ulaşym ýa-da Serwisi ulanym.

Siz, islendik bir täjirçilik maksady üçin Hyzmatyň haýsydyr bir bölegini (Chess.com ulanyjy adyňyz hem dahyl), Hyzmatdan peýdalanmagy ýa-da Hyzmata ulaşymy täzeden döretmezlige, duplikatlamazlyga, nusgalamazlyga, satmazlyga, söwda etmezlige, gaýtadan satmazlyga ýa-da eksplutatirlemezlige razyçylyk berýäňiz. Chess.com hasabyňyzyň başgasyna geçirüwsizdigine ylalaşýarsyňyz.

Ýokardaky düzgünler we regulýasiýalara eýermek, Serwise ýa-da Chess.com saýtyna geljekde dowamly ulaşyma kepil geçmeýär. Biz, Chess.com saýtyna ýa-da Serwise ulaşymyňyzy islendik wagt çäklendirmäge ýa-da soňlandyrmaga bolan hukugy özünde saklaýarys.

D. International Usage

Hyzmat, Chess.com saýtynyň ABŞ-daky edaralaryndan üpjün edilýär. Biz, Hyzmatyň başga ýerleşimlerde elýeterdigi ýa-da uýgundygy barada güwä geçmeýäris. Hyzmata başga ýerleşimlerden ulaşmagy saýlanlar öz yradasy bilen saýlaýarlar we ýerli kanunlar Hyzmat üçin hökümli ese, o höküme uýgunluk üçin ulanyjylaryň özleri jogapkärdir. Siz, ABŞ hökümediniň gadagan eden ýa-da çäklendiren taraplaryndan biri däldigiňizi beýan edýärsiňiz we kepil geçýärsiňiz.

5. Linking to and from Our Services

A. Linking to or Framing Our Services

When linking to our Services, you must adhere to the following requirements: (i) the link to the Services must not create the false appearance that your website and/or organization is sponsored by, endorsed by, affiliated with, or associated with us; and (ii) you may not link to the Services from a website that is unlawful, that promotes violence or illegal acts; or that contains expressions of racism. Subject to these restrictions, you also may use or frame or use framing techniques to enclose any of our trademarks, logos, or other proprietary information, including the images found on the Services, the content of any text or the layout or design of any page, or form contained on a page, on the Services.

We reserve the right to prohibit linking to or framing the Services consistent with these restrictions.

B. Third-Party Connected Services

Certain Connected Services may include functionality whereby you can link your Chess.com account with your account on such Connected Service or otherwise use your Chess.com account credentials to sign into such Connected Service. Upon doing so, you acknowledge and agree that certain of your Chess.com account information may be shared with the provider of such Connected Service in connection with your account on such Connected Service (e.g. username, profile picture, name, email, country, etc.). Your login information and password will not be shared. You will, of course, be subject to their separate Terms of Service, Privacy Policies, and other governance. Chess.com is not liable for your interactions with any Connected Service.

Any interactions, transactions, and other dealings that you have with any third parties found on or through the Services (including those that are linked from the Services) are solely between you and the third party (including issues related to payments, delivery of goods, and warranties), and we disclaim all liability in connection with such transactions.

6. Governing Law


7. Arbitration & Dispute Resolution




If any controversy, allegation, or claim under any legal theory, including but not limited to any federal or state statutory claims, common law claims, including those based in tort, fraud, misrepresentation, or contract, arises out of or relates to the Services or these Terms or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, formation, or the validity thereof, and the issue of arbitrability (collectively, the Dispute), then we both agree to the following resolution process with respect to the Dispute. All issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope, conscionability, severance, and enforceability of this arbitration agreement. The parties acknowledge that these Terms evidence a transaction in interstate commerce. Notwithstanding the substantive law applicable to any arbitration, any arbitration conducted pursuant to these Terms shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this agreement to arbitrate.

To resolve any Dispute most efficiently, we both agree to first discuss the Dispute informally for at least 30 days. To do so, the party who wants to raise the Dispute must first send to the other party a notice that must include (1) a description of the Dispute and (2) a proposed resolution (together, the Dispute Notice). If you want to raise a Dispute, then you must send your Dispute Notice by certified mail to the address listed below in Sub-Paragraph J). If we would like to subsequently discuss your Dispute Notice with you, we will contact you by using the contact information included with your Dispute Notice. If we want to raise a Dispute, then we will send our Dispute Notice to you at the email address that we have on file for you. If we do not have a valid email address on file for you, we will send our Dispute Notice to you through a means that complies with the service of process rules in the state of Utah.

If you and us do not reach an agreed-upon resolution within 30 days of receipt of the Dispute Notice, then we both agree that the Dispute will be resolved solely by binding arbitration in accordance with the then-current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The arbitration will be heard and determined by a single neutral arbitrator who is a lawyer or retired judge, who will administer the proceedings in accordance with the AAA's Consumer Arbitration Rules. In resolving the Dispute, the arbitrator will consider applicable law, the provisions of these Terms and any Additional Terms, and any facts based upon the record and no other basis, and will issue a reasoned decision. If a party properly submits the Dispute to the AAA for arbitration and the AAA is unwilling or unable to set a hearing date within 60 days of the filing of a “demand for arbitration,“ then either party can elect to have the arbitration administered by Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (JAMS), and determined by a single neutral arbitrator who is a lawyer or retired judge, using JAMS's Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures, or by any other arbitration administration service to which you and we consent. You can obtain AAA and JAMS procedures, rules, and fee information as follows:

AAA: 800.778.7879 / JAMS: 800.352.5267

http://www.adr.org http://www.jamsadr.com

A. Nature, Limitations, and Location of Alternative Dispute Resolution

In arbitration, as with a court, the arbitrator will resolve the submitted Dispute and can issue a decision consistent with this Section 7. However, WITH ARBITRATION, THERE IS NO JUDGE OR JURY; THE ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS AND ARBITRATION ARE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONFIDENTIALITY RULES; AND JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THE ARBITRATION OUTCOME IS LIMITED. All parties to the arbitration will have the right, at their own expense, to be represented by an attorney or other advocate of their choosing. We both agree that any hearings held in the arbitration will be conducted virtually. You and we will pay the administrative and arbitrator's fees and other costs in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules, but if applicable arbitration rules or laws require us to pay a greater portion or all such fees and costs in order for this Section 7 to be enforceable, then we will have the right to elect to pay the fees and costs and proceed to arbitration. Discovery will be permitted pursuant to the applicable arbitration rules. The arbitrator's decision must consist of a written statement stating the disposition of each claim of the Dispute and must provide a statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the decision and any award (if any) is based. Judgment on the arbitration decision and award (if any) may be entered into any court that has jurisdiction over the parties.

B. Small Claims Matters Are Excluded

As an exception to binding arbitration, we both retain the right to pursue, in a small claims court in Utah County, Utah, any Dispute that is within that court's jurisdiction and proceeds on an individual (non-class) basis. We will not demand arbitration in connection with any individual Dispute that you properly file and pursue in a small claims court, so long as the Dispute is pending only in that court.

C. Injunctive Relief

The foregoing provisions of this Section 7 will not apply to any legal action taken by either party to seek an injunction or other equitable relief in conjunction with any intellectual property claim or claim related to unauthorized access to data through the Services (including, but not limited to, claims related to patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secrets, and claims relating to the access or retrieval of data through the Services using an automated process such as scraping).

D. Timing of Claim

To help resolve any issues between you and us promptly and directly, you and the Company agree that any Dispute Notice must be sent, or that any small claims or injunctive relief complaint permitted under this Section 7 must be filed, within one year after the events giving rise to the Dispute arise; otherwise, the Dispute is waived.

E. No Class Actions.

You and the Company agree that each of us may bring claims against the other only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action or proceeding. We both further agree that any Disputes will be arbitrated only on an individual basis and will not be consolidated with any other arbitrations or other proceedings that involve any claim or controversy of any other party. Also, the arbitrator(s) may award relief (including monetary, injunctive, and declaratory relief) only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief necessitated by that party's individual claim(s).

F. Opt-out

You can choose to reject this arbitration agreement by sending us a written opt-out notice (Opt-Out Notice) within 30 days following the date you first agree to these Terms, by you must mail or email your Opt-Out Notice to the address listed below in Sub-Paragraph J. If mailed, the Opt-Out Notice must be sent certified mail and post-marked no later than 30 days following the date you first agree to these Terms. To be effective, the Opt-Out Notice must contain your name, address, and signature. If you opt-out of the arbitration agreement, then all other parts of the Terms will continue to apply to you. Opting out of this arbitration agreement has no effect on any previous, other, or future arbitration agreements that you may enter with the Company.

G. Survival of Arbitration Agreement

You and the Company agree that the agreement to arbitrate shall survive termination of these Terms, and the termination of any membership or account you may have with Company.

H. Severance of Arbitration Agreement

If the arbitrator decides that applicable law precludes enforcement of any of this arbitration agreement's limitations as to a particular claim for relief, then that claim (and only that claim) shall be severed from the arbitration and may be brought in court. In addition, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if any part of this agreement to arbitrate is deemed invalid or inapplicable, the remainder of the agreement to arbitrate shall still be considered valid and enforceable.

I. Alternative Dispute Resolution

Dawaňyz; Chess.com saýtynyň, siziň Adyl Oýun Syýasatyny bozandygyňyz barada karar bermegi barada bolsa, onda, dawaňyzy AAA arbitražyna tabşyrmak islemeseňiz, jemleýji we baglaýjy boljak Adyl Oýun Paneliniň arbitrligine tabşyryp bilersiňiz. Chess.com, Adyl Oýun Paneli hünärmentleriniň çözgüdi üçin tabşyrylan eýle talaplary gözden geçirmäge hukukly ýeke-täk tarap bolmalydyr we dolulygyna öz ätiýaçlylygynda, arbitraž üçin bolan talaplary kabul ýa-da ret etmäge hukukly bolmalydyr. Eger Biz siziň Adyl Oýun Paneli Hünärmentleriniň çözgüdi üçin ýüz tutmaňyzy ret etsek, ýokarda üpjün edilen Arbitraž Prosedurasyna ýene-de ýüz tutup bilersiňiz.

Bu panel, gözlegini, AAA-nyň, ýokarda C bölümçede görkezilen Abitraž düzgünlerine görä düzülen Sarp Ediji Arbitraž Düzgünlerine görä amala aşyrar.

Şu Adyl Oýun panel prosedurasy bilen bagly ähli tölegleri we çykdajylary Chess.com tölär (aklawçyňyzyň töleginden daşary). Siz we Chess.com, ähli şertlerde, iki tarap hem öz aklawçysyyň tölegi üçin jogapkär bolar, kimiň utandygyna seretmezden.

The Fair Play Panel will consist of three persons chosen by you and Chess.com from a panel of candidates, each of whom is either a recognized expert in the field of chess cheat detection or has obtained (and currently holds) at least the title of Chess International Master. The assembly and composition of a Fair Play Panel shall be entirely at the discretion of Chess.com and, by submitting to the jurisdiction of the Fair Play Panel, you agree that its decision shall be final and binding, with no opportunity for appeal unless Chess.com, in its sole discretion, elects to grant such an appeal.

J. Çekeleşik Duýduryş Kontaktymyz

Chess.com LLC, Kanuny
877 E 1200 S #970397
Orem, UT 84097
Tel: 1 (800) 318-2827, ext. 121
Email: [email protected]

Bu ýerdäki hiç bir zat, Serwisleriň we bu Düzgünleriň ulanylmagy bilen baglanşyksyz dawalara Chess.com saýtynyň ýurisdiksiýa razylygy diýe ýorgutlanmaly däldir. Siz we Chess.com arasyndaky bir çekeleşik islendik bir sebäpden arbitraž ýerine suda geçse, Utah Ştatynyň kanunlary we FAA kanunlary hökmürowandyr, ştatyňyzyň ýa-da ýaşaýan ýurdyňyzyň gapma-garşy kanunlaryna garamazdan.

Mundanam daşary, oňa meňzeş islendik jedel üçin, diňe we diňe, Salt Lake County, Utah-da ýa-daABŞ-nyň Utah ştatyndaky Utah etrabyndaky Utah State District Court suduna ýüz tutulmalydyr. Siz, o kazyýetleriň ýurisdikasyna we ýerleşýän ýerine razylyk berýärsiňiz we bu sudlaryň bijaýdygy ýaly närazylyklardan boýun gaçyrýarsyňyz.

8. Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties


THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS,“ “AS AVAILABLE,“ AND “WITH ALL FAULTS“ BASIS. Therefore, to the fullest extent permissible by law, we and our parent company, affiliates, subsidiaries, and each of their respective employees, officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, agents, vendors, licensors, licensees, contractors, customers, successors, and assigns (collectively, Chess.com), hereby to the maximum extent permissible by applicable law, disclaim and make no representations, warranties, endorsements, or promises, express or implied, as to the following:

  1. the Services (including the Content and the User-Generated Content);
  2. the functions, features, or any other elements on, or made accessible through, the Services;
  3. any products, services, or instructions offered or referenced at or linked through the Services;
  4. whether the Services (and their Content), or the servers that make the Services available, are free from any harmful components (including viruses, Trojan horses, and other technologies that could adversely impact your Internet Device);
  5. the specific availability of the Services, and whether any defects in the Services will be repaired, or will be repaired in a particular time frame; and
  6. whether your use of the Services is lawful in any particular jurisdiction.


Some jurisdictions limit or do not allow the disclaimer of implied or other warranties, so the above disclaimers may not apply to the extent that such jurisdictions' laws are applicable.

9. Limitations of Liability


UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CHESS.COM BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, including personal injury or death or for any direct, indirect, economic, exemplary, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential losses or damages including losses or damages in the form of lost profits, loss of goodwill, or loss of data that are directly or indirectly related to:

  1. the Services (including the Content and the User-Generated Content);
  2. your use of or inability to use the Services or the performance of the Services;
  3. the failure of a User to learn or otherwise benefit educationally from his or her use of the Services;
  4. any action taken in connection with an investigation by us or law enforcement authorities regarding your access to or use of the Services;
  5. any action taken in connection with copyright or other intellectual property owners or other rights owners;
  6. any errors or omissions in the Services' technical operation; or
  7. any damage to any user's computer, hardware, software, modem, or other equipment or technology, including damage from any security breach or from any virus, bugs, tampering, fraud, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer line, or network failure or any other technical or other malfunction, including losses or damages in the form of lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of data, work stoppage, inaccuracy of results, or equipment failure or malfunction.

The foregoing limitations of liability will apply even if any of the events or circumstances were foreseeable and even if we were advised of or should have known of the possibility of such losses or damages, regardless of whether you bring an action of contract, negligence, strict liability, or tort (including whether caused, in whole or in part, by negligence, force majeure, telecommunications failure, or destruction of the Services).

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages of the sort that are described above, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.




C. Dealings With Advertisers

Hyzmatymyzdaky ýa-da hyzmat üsti bilen duş gelýän mahabatçylar bilen, degişli harytlaryň ýa-da hyzmatlaryň tölegi we gowşurylmasy hem dahyl bolmak bilen, habarlaşmalaryňyz ýa-da täjirçilik ylalaşyklaryňyz ýa-da ýaýbaňlandyrmalaryna bolan gatnaşyklaryňyz we beýleki islendik düzgünler, şertler, kepillikler ýa-da beýle gatnaşyk bilen bagly beýanlar dolulygyna siziň we o mahabatçynyň arasyndadyr. Siz, eýle gatnaşyklaryň netijesinde ýa-da Hyzmatdaky eýle mahabatçylaryň barlygyndan dörän haýsydyr bir ýitgiden ýa-da zeperden Chess.com saýtynyň jogapkär ýa-da borçly däldigi bilen ylalaşýarsyňyz. Mahabatlandyrlan mazmunlar hem dahyl bolmak bilen, 3-nji tarap mazmunlaryň ählisi o 3-nji taraplaryň jogapkärçiligindedir diňe; 3-nji tarap mazmunyň islendik bir maksat üçin uýgunlygyna kepil geçmeýäris, 3-nji tarap mazmunlaryň dürsligine ýa-da bitewiligine hem kepil geçmeýäris.

Serwis ýa-da beýleki 3-nji tarap prowaýderler tarapyndan (Youtube, Twitch, mazmun dörediji ýaýlymçylar we ş.m. dahyl bolmak bilen emma bular bilen çäklenmezden) tarapyndan ýelmenen mazmunlar hem dahyl bolmak bilen) başga Bütindünýä Kerebi saýtlaryna ýa-da resurslaryna çelgi üpjün edip biler. Chess.com saýtynyň eýle saýtlar we resurslar üstünde kontroly ýokdugy sebäpli; biziň, eýle daşary çykgytlar ýa-da resurslaryň elýeterliligi üçin jogapkär däldigini; we eýle saýtlarda ýa-da resurslarda elýeter bolan islendik Mazmuny, mahabaty, önümleri ýa-da başga materiallary ýaýbaňlandyrmaýandygyny we olar üçin jogapkär ýa-da güzaply däldigini beýan we kabul edýärsiňiz. Biz, islendik bir 3-nji tarap Mazmunyň haýsydyr bir ulanyş ýa-da maksat üçin uýgunlylygyna kepil geçmeýäris. Biz, hiç bir 3-nji tarap mahabatyň dürslügine kepil geçmeýäris. Bulardanam daşary; biziň, eýle saýt ýa-da resurs üsti bilen elýeter bolan islendik bir mazmuna, haryda ýa-da serwislere bagly ýa-da bil baglanmagy zerarly çekilen ýa-da o zerarly çekilendigi öňe sürülýän göni ýa-da aýlawly hiç bir zeper ýa-da ýitgiden jogapkär we güzaply däldigimizi beýan we kabul edýärsiňiz.

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11. Awtorluk Hukugy Syýasaty we Reportlama Prosedurasy

Chess.com, başgalarynyň intellektual eýeçilik haklaryna hormat goýýar we Hyzmatdan peýdalanyjylaryň hem şeýtmegine garaşýar. Biz, ýazgysy http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf çelgisindäki ABŞ awtorluk hukugy edarasy websaýtynda bolan "Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”)-a" kanunalaýykdyr. DMCA we beýleki ýörgünlikdäki kanunlara tabynlykdaky awtorluk hukugy bozulmalary barada öňe sürülen aýyplamalara jogap bereris, eger-de; awtorluk hukugyny bozýan NFT Mazmuny bar erse (eýle NFT-leriň Serwisimize baglananda awtorluk hukuugyny bozýan mazmun displeý etmeginiň öňüni almak üçin täjirçilik taýdan makul bolan tagallalary ederis).

Haýsydyr bir mazmunyň, awtorluk hukugyny bozjak ýagdaýda ulanylandygyna ynanýarsaňyz, bize şu maglumatlary üpjün ediň:

  • awtorluk hukugy eýesiniň ýa-da olaryň adyna hereket etmäge ygtyýarlandyrylan şahsyň fiziki ýa-da elektronik goly;
  • bozulandygy öňe sürülýän awtorluk hukugynyň kimligi;
  • awtorluk hukugy bozýandygy öňe sürülýän materialyň ýa-da hereketiň tanadyjysy we materialy tapmagymyz üçin ýeterli maglumat (çelgi kimin);
  • salgyňyz, telefon nomeriňiz we email adresiňiz dahyl bolmak bilen siziň habarlaşma maglumatlaryňyz;
  • siz tarapyndan, materialyň şikaýat edilişi ýaly ulanylmagynyň awtorluk hukugy eýesi, onuň wekili ýa-da kanun tarapyndan ygtyýarlandyrylmandygyna degişli ýagşy niýet ynamyňyz bardygyna degişli beýan; we
  • bildirişdäki maglumatyň takykdygy we kasamdan dönme jezasynda awtorluk hukugy eýesiniň adyna hereket etmäge ygtyýarlandyrylandygyňyz barada beýan.

Pozulan mazmunyňyzyň awtorlyk hukugyny bozmaýandygyna ýa-da bu mazmuny neşir etmäge hukugyňyz bardygyna ynanýan erseňiz, onda bize şu maglumatlary üpjün etmek bilen garşy-bildiriş iberiň:

  • awtorluk hukugy eýesiniň ýa-da olaryň adyna hereket etmäge ygtyýarlandyrylan şahsyň fiziki ýa-da elektronik goly;
  • fiziki ýa-da elektronik goluňyz (doly kanuny adyňyz bilen);
  • pozulan ýa-da ulaşymy beklenen Mazmunyň we pozulmazdan ýa-da beklenmezden öň mazmunyň ýerleşen ýeriniň tanadyjysy;
  • kasamdan dönme jezasy ýagdaýynda, mazmunyň ýalňyşlyk bilen ýa-da mazmunyň ýalňyş tanamalmagy bilen pozulandygyna ýa-da beklenendigine ýagşy niýet ynamyňyz bardygy barada beýan; we
  • adyňyz, salgyňyz, telefon nomeriňiz we email adresiňiz we asyl düzgün bozma bildirişini size ýetiren şahsyň serwis prosesini kabul etjekdigiňiz barada beýanyňyz.

Eger-de biz garşy-bildiriş alsak, garşy-bildirişiň bir nusgasyny awtorluk hukugy bozulmasyny öňe sürýän şahsa ulaşdyrarys we o şahsa pozulan mazmunyň çalşyryljakdygyny duýdurarys. Awtorluk hukugy bozulandygyny öňe sürýän asyl şahs mazmun üpjünçisine, agza ýa-da ulanyja garşy sudda dawa açmadygy müddetçe pozulan mazmun garşy-bildiriş haty gowuşmagyndan 10-14 ýa-da has köp gün soňra Chess.com saýtynyň ätiýaçlygynda çalşyrylyp biliner.

Garşy-bildiriş ibermek, eýäni anyklamak üçin siz we şikaýatçy tarap arasynda kanuny proseduralara eltip biljekdigini ýatda saklaň. Bu proses arkaly ýalňyş ýa-da erbet niýetli aýyplamalar öňe sürseňiz siziň ýurduňyzda size garşy kanuny netijeler döräp biljekdiginden habardar boluň.

Awtorluk hukugyny bozandygy öňe sürülýän mazmuny öň-duýduryşsyz we öz ätiýaçlygymyzda pozma hukugyny elimizde saklaýarys. Uýgun ýagdaýlarda, ulanyjynyň dowamly awtorluk hukugyny bozýandygy görülse, biz o ulanyjynyň hasabyny soňlandyryp bileris. Hyzmatymyzda awtorluk hukugynyň bozulmagy meselelerine seredýän agentimiz:

Chess.com LLC, Kanuny
877 E 1200 S #970397
Orem, UT 84097
[email protected]

12. Kabelsiz Aýratynlyklary

We may offer certain features and services that are available to you via your wireless Internet Device (collectively, Wireless Features). Your carrier may charge standard messaging, data, and other fees, which may appear on your wireless bill or be deducted from your prepaid balance. Your carrier may prohibit or restrict certain Wireless Features, and certain Wireless Features may be incompatible with your carrier or wireless Internet Device. You agree that as to the Wireless Features for which you are registered, we may send communications to your wireless Internet Device regarding us or other parties. If you have registered via the Services for Wireless Features, then you agree to notify us of any changes to your wireless number (including phone number) and update your Account to reflect the changes.

13. Syn Tabşyryş

Biz, Serwisleriň ösdürilmegi üçin berilen syn-bildirişleri, teswirleri we maslahatlary (“Syn-bildiriş”) hoşamaýlyk bilen garşylaýarys. Siz, Syn-bildiriş bilen bagly hiç bir goşandyň size Serwis üstünde hiç bir ýol bilen hiç bir hukuk, titul ýa-da göterim bermeýändigini we bermejekdigini bilýärsiňiz we muny beýan edärsiňiz. Ähli Syn-bildirişler Chess.com saýtynyň ýekelikdäki we eksklýuziw mülki bolýar we biz o Syny size öňünden bildirmezden islendik çemeleşimde we islendik maksat bilen we siz tarapyndan hiç bir eýeçilik ýa-da başga hukuk ýa-da talap bolmazdan ulanyp bileris. Syn-bildiriş bermek bilen, siz, islendik we ähli potansial Syn-bildirimlerde eýeçiligiňizde bolup biljek islendik we ähli hukugyňyzy, titulyňyzy we göterimiňizi (patent, awtorluk hukugy, söwda syry, söwda markasy, gollanma, ahlaky hukuklar we islendik we ähli aň-düşünje hukuklary hem dahyl bolmak bilen emma bular bilen çäklenmezden) Chess.com saýtyna tabşyrýarsyňyz.

14. Umumy Üpjünçilikler

A. Prizes

Chess.com saýtyndaky baýrakly wakalarda çykyş etmek üçin, ýaşaýan ýurduňyzyň we ştatyňyzyň ýörgünli kanunlarynyň bellän kämillik ýaşyna ýeten bolmalysyňyz we ýerli kanunlara eýermelisiňiz. Kanuny ýaşa ýetmedik bolsaňyz, ene-ataňyz ýa-da kanuny hossaryňyz bu şertnama razylyk bildirmeli. Chess.com, siziň gatnaşmagyňyzyň kanunylygyna tassyklamaga borçly däldir.

In the event that you win any Prize (monetary, or other) in any Competition (tournament, event, or other) on Chess.com, you hereby acknowledge and consent to our ongoing investigation of your games whether related or unrelated to those occurring within the Competition and that any judgment made as a determination of your eligibility to win any Prize or a disqualification thereof shall lie with Chess.com. We may, at our sole discretion, withhold any and all Prizes won in any Competition on our Site for any period of time pending investigation into your Games. Any decision by Chess.com regarding forfeiture, reduction or cancellation of Prizes in accordance with our Terms of Service shall be final and binding upon you and shall not be subject to review or appeal by you or any third party.

Islendik bir Bäsleşige gatnaşmak bilen, siz, biziň kompaniýamyzy, kompaniýamyzyň resmi wekillerini, baglanşykly guramalaryny, kömekçilerini, agentliklerini we agentlikleriniň ofiserlerini, müdirlerini, işgärlerini we agentlerini islendik bahadan, zeper çykdajylaryndan, ýitgi talaplaryndan, hereketlerden we Bäsleşige gatnaşmagyňyz we/ýa-da size berilmegi ýa-da berilmändigi mümkin bolan Baýraklar netijesinde siz (ýa-da siziň adyňyza hereket edýän 3-nji taraplardan) tarapyndan getirilen proseduralardan ("Talaplar") boşatmaga, bahasyny ötmäge we zepersiz tutmaga we Chess.com saýtynyň beýle Talaplar bilen bagly islendik jogapkärçiligi üstüne almaýandygyna razylyk berýärsiňiz.

Chess.com, makul kontrolyndan daşarda bolan ýagdalar sebäpli, size garşy Bäsleşige gatnaşmagyňyz ýa-da utan Baýragyňyz sebäpli borçlarymyzdan islendik birini ýerine ýetirip bilmändiginde size garşy jogapkär bolmaly däldir.

Şeýlelikde siz, biziň kompaniýamyzy, kompaniýamyzyň kanuny wekillerini, baglanşykly guramalaryny, kömekçilerini, agentliklerini we olaryň ofiserlerini, müdirlerini we işgärlerini ähli harajatlara, ýitgilere, zeperlere, çykdajylara we bu düzgünler, Chess.com Hyzmat düzgünleri, Bäsleşik düzgünleri ýa-da Aýratyn düzgünler astynda ýa-da toparymyz tarapyndan berilen gollanmalary yzarlamazlygyňyz sebäpli ýa-da Bäsleşige gatnaşmagyňyz bilen baglanşykly düzgüni bozmalaryňyz zerarly ýüze çykan biziň borçlulykarymyza (at-abraý, ýagşy niýet we professional hünärmet harajatlaryny öz içine alýar) garşy eldegrilmesiz saýmagymyza razylyk berýärsiňiz.

Baýraklaryň gowşurulmagy, Bäsleşijiniň bäsleşige gatnaşmaga uýgunlygy, Bäsleşijiniň özüni alyp barşy, bu düzgünleri, biziň ulanyş düzgünlerimizi, Bäsleşik düzgünlerimizi ýa-da Aýratyn düzgünlerimizi hem öz içine alýan emma munuň bilen çäklenmeýän; Bäsleşik babatdaky islendik tarap bilen bagly inkärlik ýa-da ylalaşmazlyk ýagdaýynda soňky karar biziň toparymyzda bolmalydyr we biz tarapyndan islendik karar jemleýji bolmalydyr we siziň üstüňizde ýörgünli we siz ýa-da başga bir 3-nji tarap tarapyndan syna ýa-da nägilelige tabyn bolmaly däldir.

Chess.com, Baýraklara salynýan salgytlar barada salgyt ýa-da kanuny maslahat bermeýär we berip bilmeýär. Biz; zerury hasaplan salgyt awtoritetlerine baýraklar bilen bagly maglumatlary paýlaşyp bileris, eýle ýörgünli towakga bilen ýüz tutan islendik bir hökümet guramasyna jogap hökmünde. Ýokarda agzalanlaryň umumylygyny çäklendirmezden, GDPR ýa-da ýurisdiksiýaňyzdaky GDPR-a barabar pynhanlyk kanunlarndaky pynhanlyk hukuklaryňyza çäklendirme getirip biljek Biziň ätiýaçlygymyzdaky eýle maglumat paýlaşymynda size habar bermäge-de, bermezlige-de; Chess.com hukuklydyr.

B. NFT Policy

UGA bilen ilteşikli NFT-leri dükanlarda we ikinji derejeden bazarlarda 3-nji tarap platormalarda ýa-da Birikmeli Serwislerde ("NFT Platformalary") satyn alyp, satyp, söwdalaşyp we transaksiýa edip bilersiňiz. NFT Platformalarynda elýeter bolan hiç bir NFT-niň satyjysy däldiris. Eýle NFT Platformalaryň hiç birine kepil geçmeýäris, goldamaýarys we size ýa-da başga hiç kim öňünde hiç bir borçlulyk ýa-da jogapkärçilik almaýarys we almarys. Eýle platformalaryň hereketlerini kontrol etmeýäris we eýle NFT Platofrmalary ýa-da siziň eýle Platformalarda UGA bilen ilteşikli NFT-leri transaksiýa etme ukybyňyz barada hiç bir wadada ýa-da garantiýa ýer almaýarys.

NFT-leri we blokzynjyr tehnologiýasyny satyn almak we elde tutmak bilen ilteşikli howplaryň bardygyny beýan edýärsiňiz we kabul edýärsiňiz. Bu riskler, şular bilen çäklenmezden şulary öz içine alýar: pynhan açar(lar) yň ýitmegi zerarly NFT-lere ulaşymyň ýitmegi, ideg ýa-da satyn alma näsazlygy, gazuw riski ýa-da blokzynjyr hüjümleri, häkleme riskleri we howpsuzlyk ejizlikleri, bir ýa-da has köp ýurisdiksiýada bähbide garşyt regulýasiýonal interwensiýalar, žeton salgytlandyrmasy bilen bagly riskler, şahsy maglumatyň açyga çykmagy riskleri, ätiýaçlandyrylmadyk ýitgi riski, garaşylmadyk riskler we bugarma riskleri. Serwisden daşarda amala aşyran her bir satyn alma ýa-da satuw, kabul etme ýa-da ýola goýma, dolulygyna siziň töwekgelçiligiňizdedir. Serwisden daşardaky NFT-leriň satyn alymy ýa-da satuwyny ygtyýarlandyrmaýarys, kontrol etmeýäris we goldamaýarys. Serwisden daşarda NFT-lerde amala aşyryp biljegiňiz transaksiýalarda size ýönelik islendik bir jogapkärçiligi iňkär edýäris we boýun towlaýarys ýa-da size öwezini dolmak borjuny ýa-da mundan emele gelip biljek ýitgilerden zyýansyz tutmagy iňkär edýäris.

Birigen Serwis ýa0da NFT Platformasy bilen bagly bir ýa-da has köp 3-nji tarap bilen sud çekeleşigiňiz bolsa, eýle çekeleşikler bilen bagly, islendik görnüşde we tebigatda, bilinýän we bilinmeýän eýe çykmalardan, talaplardan we (hakyky ýa-da potansiýal) zeperlerden siz bizi (we biziň galtaşyklylarymyzy we golçurlarymyzy, we biziň we olaryň ofiserlerini, direktorlaryny, işgärlerini we agentlerini) daşda tutýarsypyz. Bu daş tutma girmek bilen, bu daş tutma girýärkäňiz bähbidiňizedir öýden talaplaryňyzy gaplajak (statukolaýyn ýa-da başgaça) gorawlaryňyzdan açykça boýun towlaýarsyňyz.

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J. Contact Us

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Chess.com LLC
877 E 1200 S #970397
Orem, UT 84097
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